Basically Undertaker would work 6 to 7 months and take time off, which worked well for The Deadman. Eventually this led to him being very part time where he would work three months out of the year max, which was usually due to a WrestleMania program. In 2015, he didn’t work a lot at the beginning of the year and actually forced Bray Wyatt to make the program between the two of them work for WrestleMania 31.

The Phenom would return at the show of shows and beat “the new face of fear.”

He would go on to work a number of events the remainder of the year and eventually would go on to have his last match with Shane McMahon at WrestleMania 32 last Sunday. While it is uncertain if this is the last time we will see Undertaker, it does make us wonder. Why would he work so much in 2015 when he normally never works that much.. It seemed that they were setting him up for retirement.

The stipulaton for his match with Shane set up his exit well where if he lost, he could no longer perform on the grandest stage of them all. Basically, it would effectively end his career. He would win though, so that means he has to come back, right? That said, we at Sports Keeda have come up with seven ways WWE can book a good Undertaker return. Enjoy.

  1. Bray Wyatt Needs To Be Stopped Again

While it makes total sense for most of us to assume Bray Wyatt/Undertaker is a tired rivalry, they really haven’t explored this rivalry to it depths yet. The entire rivalry was over at WrestleMania 31 and Undertaker wasn’t even around for the program itself, as we addressed before.That means there is a lot still there to look at. If WWE never explores this, it would be a terrible thing for them.

Going into this, we easily could have Wyatt making many lives a living hell in WWE. He would be taking out everyone, basically building him up into a monster heel that no one could stop. With the help of the Wyatt Family, Bray would be impossible to stop. The Family was interestingly absent during Wyatt’s last altercation singles wise with Bray. WWE did explore some of the Wyatt/Undertaker rivalry at Survivor Series in 2015, however things didn’t go well with it.

Most felt the program was just terrible and not worthy of note. It would be good to have a monster heel in Bray, who has been built for months, go up against Undertaker anywhere other than WrestleMania and make us believe that The Phenom would have to win to stop the run of Bray Wyatt. If the Deadman did stop him, it would make us happy to see him back. As the only man powerful enough to do so, this would make sense gimmick wise.

  1. Triple H Has Gone Too Far

Triple H is known for ruling the WWE witn an iron fist as a member of The Authority. He along with his wife have been an issue for WWE babyfaces since they came into power a number of years ago. No matter what anyone does, it seems that Triple H always goes back to the same old guy. However, one man has put him in his place a few times now and that man’s name is The Undertaker.

At two consecutive WrestleMania events, Triple H went down to The Phenom. If Triple H were to possibly get into more power and proceed to throw his weight around to such a point that the dead has to rise in order to put WWE back in order, it would make for an interesting story and return for The Undertaker.

At the end of the day, this idea is not too far fetched as WWE has used it a bit in the past and WWE’s last lawman coming back to put things back in working order could be a good plan for WWE storyline wise.

  1. Dean Ambrose Might Be A Bit Too Crazy

WWE’s resident lunatic Dean Ambrose is known for being quite a fun, interestig chatacter. Everyone seems to love the guy, but it just seems that WWE has not given him his fair shake for the last few years. They have given numerous championships to his former Shield members Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, but Ambrose has mysteriously been on the outs. His most notable rivalry was against Bray Wyatt outside of The Authority angles, which is not good at all.

Most felt that the Brock Lesnar rivalry would get him off the ground, but the match was considered lackluster by many fans and the WWE didn’t even have him go over. One man who has been a fan of Ambrose for years is The Undertaker. In fact, one of the only matches Undertaker has had on television was with Ambrose due to the respect he had for him and that he was eager to perform with him.

That’s mad respect. So one would imagine that one last rivalry would be good for Undertaker. The Lunatic vs The Phenom? That would sell out any arena. One man will not die and the other man won’t stay down. Something has to give and it would be a good thing for Undertaker to return for.

  1. Undertaker Has to Make Hell Reign Down

Roman Reigns is clearly in need of something to help him get over these days. The man simply cannot do a thing without fans hating him. It does appear that WWE is leading to a heel turn for him, which would be great to see. If it were to happen, there is a chance that the young Reigns would need a proper vet to help him go over the top with his character. People want to take Reigns well, but we cannot yet because he is unable to perform up to the standards we would want to see.

The current WWE World Heavyweight Champion could use The Phenom as an aide to his career. Basically, Reigns could say that no man alive or dead could take his title from him after he went on a streak of successful title defenses, cheating in many of them. The DONG hits and Undertaker appears to take down the powerhouse.

This match would sell well as fans would get to see a new version of Reigns going after an older Deadman who could take the title from him, It would be a great last run for Taker and one that fans would love to see due to the result alone.

  1. The Demon Meets The Phenom

Current NXT Champion Finn Balor is seemingly beloved by all. Fans loved him and we all know he’ll eventually become a major star. There may be no better way to become a star than to have a program with The Undertaker. Balor’s demon side he brings out for special events happens to channel the demon within that Taker lets out all the time. It could be a cool way of challenging characters and seeing how things could go between the two.

We all know Finn is great in the ring, and being lighter, he would be easier to work with. An older Undertaker would enjoy what he could do with him versus other competitors that he has faced, which has been over 240lbs after WrestleMania 26.

The match would be fun and program of mind games and exposing Finn’s demonic side would be an excellent way of putting Balor over. Undertaker being part of it only makes things better and fans would most likely enjoy seeing it occur.

  1. Undertaker Gets Stung

I know what you’re thinking. Sting just retired, so how could he possibly work a program with The Undertaker? In wrestling, you never say never. However, Sting coul easily work a program with Undertaker yet never actually be involved in a match. Let’s say Undertaker gets out of hand and joins The Authority. He takes out various stars in the name of what is right, but one man knows what is truly right and has to stand up for it.

Sting would come out during a standard Undertaker beatdown and begin to hit him with his bat until The Deadman realizes that Sting is there. Every time Undertaker goes for another beatdown, Sting shows up. Eventually Sting becomes a problem that needs to be taken care. So you try to do it. However, the match is gimmicked where Sting cannot be seen or caught by Undertaker fast enough.

Sting delivers a great bit of offense to take down The Deadman, eventually breaking the spell The Authority has on him. In the end, Sting and Undertaker would team up on the remaining Authority, which would take bumps away from Sting. It would be interesting to see and allow us to see Sting again without risking him too much.

  1. Undertaker Can See You

John Cena has been a top name in WWE for the last decade, but did you know the first true rival for Cena was The Undertaker? The two would battle on SmackDown for some time. Undertaker also introduced himself to Cena on his first night when Cena took it to Kurt Angle.Really, Undertaker was a huge part of the early career of John Cena. It would make sense then to see Cena be the last rival of Undertaker’s career.

It would be all about respect. Undertaker has faced all the top names that have worked with WWE once they were on top and after. He wants to end his career at WrestleMania against the best. The only way to do it, is to beat John Cena. I’d make John Cena the WWE World Champion, whch would then force Undertaker to win the Royal Rumble. He would go on to main event WrestleMania with Cena, where he would have to beat Cena for the title or retire.

The entire time it would be a set up of the respect the two have but that everyone wants to see who is truly the best. Undertaker has fought Brock Lesnar, Kane, Ric Flair, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge, and even Batista on the grandest stage of them all. Cena needs to be part of the list. I’d have the two make it about who is truly better, where Cena wants to prove he is not the guy Undertaker faced over a decade ago while Taker wants to prove he is still great.

I’d then have Undertaker win the WWE World Title and retire the next night on WWE RAW.

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