Everyone who starts using Mac becomes a diehard fan within a few weeks itself, but there are some hidden features which Mac offers that you might not be aware of. One such hidden warrior is your Mac’s option key. Many Mac users – Brits especially – wonder where to find the Option key on a Mac. And it’s hardly surprising that many newcomers to Apple computers may be a little stumped.
Where is the Option Key?
The Option key on a Mac, otherwise known as the Alternate key, is usually labelled with the letters Alt and the symbol below, especially on Apple Mac keyboards. Its placed next to the Ctrl key on the left of the bottom row.
So here is the list of 5 awesome functions to do with your Mac’s option key to enhance your productivity:
1. View Network Connection
You can easily view your network connections details such as checking current IP address, connection speed, router IP address, and other interface details. Simply press and hold the Option key and then click the Wi-Fi menu to view these advanced options.
Also Read: Top 10 Must Have Menu Bar Apps for your Mac
Hold this key and you’ll also see an “Open Wireless Diagnostics” menu item. This tool can run various diagnostics in the background and even help you find the least congested Wi-Fi channel you should pick on your router.
2. Check Battery Status
Your option key helps you find out whether your Mac’s battery is doing fine or not. Simply hold the Option key and tap the battery menu icon. You’ll ideally see a popup saying “Condition: Normal”, informing you that your battery is fine.
3. Advanced Finder options
In order to move a particular file, then first copy it normally. Now, go to the folder you want to move it, right-click, and hold down the Option key when the context menu appears. You will see that now the “Paste Item” menu item has become “Move Item Here.”
This works for many other menu items, too like “Get Info” becomes” Show Inspector.” “Arrange By” becomes “Sort By.” “Open in New Tab” becomes “Open in New Window.” “Quick Look” becomes “Slideshow.” “Open With” becomes “Always Open With.”
4. Merge Folders
If you need to combine files from two different folders, simple press and hold the option key while you drag and drop the content. A hidden merge button will instantly appear as soon as your press the option key.
5. Access System Information
The System Information window provides an in-depth information about your Mac device. Click on the Apple menu and hold the Option key to see the “About This Mac” option updating into “System Information” option.
6. Bluetooth details
Hold down the Option key while you click the Bluetooth icon on your menu bar. You’ll be able to view various details regarding your Mac’s Bluetooth including device name and status whether it’s currently discoverable or not.
P.S. In case you are not able to view the Bluetooth icon; you can enable it from the System Preferences window. Click on the Bluetooth settings icon and enable the “Show Bluetooth in menu bar” checkbox.
7. More Time Machine Options
The Time Machine menu icon also offers some advanced options when you hold the Option key like verifying the backup, browsing other backup disks etc.
So pals, did you know all of em’?