Similar margins also indicate that they will get a COVID-19 vaccine, fear that the Senate filibuster will prevent an expansion of civil rights and feel less safe in their communities because of the anti-LGBTQ legislation being introduced in several states this year, according to a poll released Friday by GLAAD. GLAAD is the nation’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization.

“President Biden enjoys the overwhelming support of LGBTQ people, because he and his administration have hit the ground running to reverse the immeasurable damage of the last four years and put the fight for full equality and acceptance back on the agenda at the White House,” GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said in a statement about the poll’s findings.

A majority of respondents rated Biden favorably when asked about specific issues. An estimated 80 percent positively viewed his COVID-19 response. Additionally, 72 percent positively viewed his prioritizing of LGBTQ inclusion in his administration’s hiring and appointments.

Two of Biden’s high-profile LGBTQ administration appointments have included gay former-mayor Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary and transgender doctor Rachel Levine as assistant health secretary.

About 72 percent of respondents favorably viewed Biden’s efforts to advance LGBTQ equality and 66 percent favorably viewed his efforts to advance racial equality. Biden mentioned both in his Wednesday congressional address.

The majority of respondents also voiced fears over the Senate filibuster. Progressive Democrats have supported eliminating the filibuster in order to bypass Republicans opposed to President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda.

When asked about their concern of Republicans using the filibuster “to block Democrats from passing legislation like voting rights, immigration reform, gun reform and LGBTQ equality measures,” 78 percent said they felt concerned. Of those, 46 percent said they found the possibility “very concerning.”

But while 43 percent of respondents expressed support for ending the filibuster, 31 percent wanted to keep it and 26 percent said they weren’t sure whether to keep or end it.

Regarding anti-transgender legislation, 76 percent said that similar anti-LGBTQ bills make them feel unsafe in their own community.

About 61 percent said they had heard or read a lot about anti-transgender legislation recently introduced in states across the nation. Of those, 38 percent said that they wouldn’t spend tourism dollars in states passing anti-transgender bills and that they would contribute time and money to help defeat politicians that support such bills.

Their sentiment is somewhat shared by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a national LGBTQ rights organization. The HRC has called on the NCAA to cancel events in states that pass bans on transgender athletes.

Also, 29 percent of respondents said they wouldn’t spend money on brands that don’t speak out against anti-transgender legislation. About 28 percent said they would boycott products and services from companies headquartered in states that passed anti-transgender laws.

A majority of respondents also said they follow COVID-19 precautions. Approximately, 91 percent said that they wear a mask in stores and businesses, 89 percent said they follow social distancing guidelines in public and 86 percent said they avoid large crowds in favor of small, private gatherings all or most of the time.

Ellis said that anti-LGBTQ lawmakers and groups, like the Family Research Council and the Alliance Defending Freedom, are “working day and night” to undermine LGBTQ rights and target the most vulnerable LGBTQ people, including transgender youth.

“Our poll shows LGBTQ people want leadership from elected officials and companies to speak out and take action for equality and against these discriminatory bills,” Ellis added. “LGBTQ Americans want results from all those they helped put in office.”

The online poll of 800 LGBTQ respondents was conducted from April 15 to 20 by Pathfinder Opinion Research. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.