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Today, Fallout 76 is still a persistent title, and Bethesda Game Studios constantly pours updates and all-new content drops into the game, working relatively hard to keep it fresh. As they keep the game alive, there’s a steady stream of new players entering the wide world of Fallout 76, intent on exploring Appalachia, which makes up the biggest map in the history of the series. When compared to the likes of Fallout 4, Fallout 76 is a dramatically different title, and new players tend to need all the help they can get.

8 Collect Everything

From the word go, new Fallout 76 players should work to collect everything possible - even if it isn’t relevant. This includes healing items, weapons, apparel, ammunition, and food and drinks items. In Fallout 76, there’s quite an advanced economy and crafting system, and if players don’t need what they pick up, they can scrap it or sell it.

Furthermore, rooting through all those containers can reward a player with some relatively helpful loot. This is a loot-driven game, and from the items secured from defeated enemies to goodies pilfered from locked chests, there’s a lot to pick up.

7 Don’t Run From Events

In Fallout 76, there’s a constant and steady stream of public events kicking off, and they shouldn’t ever be ignored. They’re nothing if not the best opportunities in the game to earn rewards, experience points, and equipment, and they empower the player to interact with their fellow Wastelanders.

There are some hefty and challenging events out there, and some are more ‘worthy’ than others, but none should be ignored. For example, Rad Rumble is a 10-minute-long event that can, in the right circumstances, award the player with tens of thousands of experience points.

6 Identify Your Build Early

Fallout 76 differs from Fallout 4 (its predecessor) in that there’s a limit to the perks that can be active at any one time. Fallout 76 utilizes a ‘perk card system’ that sees the player build out a ‘deck’ of traditional Fallout perks - Strong Back, Commando, Action Boy, and so on. In Fallout 76, perks are unlocked at random using card packs, making it a little more complex than just unlocking whatever the player wants.

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With that in mind, it’s a fantastic idea for players to get an idea of what build they want to aim for as early as possible, so they can start building out their deck to suit their play style. It doesn’t matter if there’s a preference for melee, heavy weapons, or explosives, in Fallout 76, having a well-built perk deck is important from the start.

5 Don’t Be Afraid Of Losing

When players are exploring Appalachia, they may restrict themselves from a fight for fear of losing. However, there’s almost no real concern surrounding the concept of being defeated, as all the players will lose when they’re beaten is their junk. In rare cases, that junk can be quite valuable, but there’s always the opportunity to collect it again once the player has respawned.

If a player dies while playing Fallout 76, they won’t lose levels, experience points, or any of their core equipment - only their junk. With that in mind, there are very few risks to openly exploring the map and accepting challenges as they come.

4 Use The Boosts

Every so often, Bethesda Game Studios hosts a double XP weekend in Fallout 76. This is one of the best times to level up and build a stronger character, but there’s more to it than just jumping in and getting involved with Appalachia in the most basic way possible.

In Fallout 76, there are countless ways to further boost experience gains. For instance, players can sleep in a bed for a few minutes, attend an event called Path to Enlightenment, eat Cranberry Cobbler, or consume Mentats. These actions can boost experience points and overall gains, thus multiplying a character’s growth at any stage.

3 Learn A Loot Route

Fallout 76 is home to a massive map set in the Appalachian region of West Virginia. There are countless points of interest littered around the map, but not all of them are worth visiting. However, there are a few that boast untold opportunities for levelling up, being as they are populated by high-level, intense enemies.

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For instance, there’s The Burrows, an underground sewer location packed full of Ghouls. Or, there’s West-Tek, which is an iconic location in the history of Fallout that contains dozens of high-level, highly intense Super Mutant enemies. These enemies all drop lots of loot and reward the player with stacks of experience points, meaning levelling up comes quickly.

2 Build The Best C.A.M.P.

There’s a unique feature in Fallout 76, and that’s the C.A.M.P. mechanic. Using a C.A.M.P., players can settle down wherever they so desire, putting down a small machine that marks a given location as their base, upon which they can build structures and place hundreds of different assets.

From the start of the game, players are introduced to the idea of a C.A.M.P. and given a walkthrough, but it goes so much deeper than what is advised. For new players, C.A.M.P.s are extremely valuable, offering free buffs, allies that offer benefits, crafting benches, storage solutions, and much more.

1 Invest In Fallout 1st

Fallout 1st was introduced in Fallout 76 in 2019, emerging as an optional paid ‘premium’ membership that gives players an entire range of abilities and advantages. For instance, a storage box that holds unlimited building and crafting materials, a place-anywhere ‘survival tent’, free Atoms (in-game credit), and the ability to load into a private server.

Once a new player gets to grips with the base mechanics in Fallout 76, Fallout 1st is something that should at least be looked at, given the sheer advantages it brings to even the most casual of players.

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