Building an app that integrates with other apps requires one or more APIs. They are great for web developers and serve as exciting news to hackers.
However, this invention comes with some security practices that help secure sensitive data. Here, we’ll look at some of the best practices for securing APIs.
The 8 Best API Security Practices
While APIs are like the heroes of the tech world, they also come with some downfalls if not carried out properly. The best API security practices will help sharpen your network and nullify attempts by hackers to either slow down or frustrate your system.
Getting the best from APIs means setting your business for greatness without having to attract cybercriminals. The following are measures you can take to enjoy the most out of APIs:
1. Activate Authentication
While most APIs use authentication to assess a request, others work with a password or multi-factor authentication. This helps confirm the validity of a token, as unacceptable tokens may cause huge disruption in the system.
APIs assess a token by comparing it with the one in the database. Today, most huge companies you see use the OAuth protocol, which is also a standard API user authentication. It was initially designed for safeguarding passwords associated with third-party applications. Today, its impact is more positive than ever.
2. Introduce Authorization
Authorization is second to authentication. While some APIs grant access to a token without authorizing users, others can only be accessed via authorization. An authorized user token can add more information to stored data if their token is accepted. Plus, in scenarios where authorization isn’t granted, it’s only possible to gain access to a network.
APIs like REST require authorization for every request made, even if multiple requests come from the same user. Hence, REST has a precise communication method whereby all requests are understood.
3. Request Validation
Validating requests is a critical role of APIs. No unsuccessful request exceeds beyond the data layer. APIs ensure to approve these requests, determining whether it is friendly, harmful, or malicious.
Precaution works best even if good sources are carriers of harmful requests. It could be a suffocating code or a super malicious script. With proper validation of requests, you can ensure hackers fail on every attempt to break into your network.
4. Total Encryption
Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks are now common, and developers are looking for ways to bypass them. Encrypting data as they undergo transmission between the network and API server is an effective measure. Any data outside this encryption box is useless to an intruder.
It is important to note that REST APIs transmit data being transferred, not data stored behind a system. While it uses HTTP, encryption can occur with the Transport Layer Security Protocol and Secure Sockets Layer Protocol. When using these protocols, always ensure to encrypt data in the database layer, as they are mostly excluded from data transferred.
5. Response Assessment
When an end-user requests a token, the system creates a response sent back to the end-user. This interaction serves as a means for hackers to prey on stolen information. That said, monitoring your responses should be your number one priority.
One safety measure is avoiding any interaction with these APIs. Stop oversharing data. Better still, only respond with the status of the request. By doing this, you can avoid falling victim to a hack.
6. Rate-Limit API Requests and Build Quotas
Rate-limiting a request is a security measure with a purely intended motive—to reduce the level of requests gotten. Hackers intentionally flood a system with requests to slow down connection and gain penetration easily, and rate-limiting prevents this.
A system becomes vulnerable once an external source alters the data being transmitted. Rate-limiting disrupts a user’s connection, reducing the number of requests they make. Building quotas, on the other hand, directly prevents sending of requests for a duration.
7. Log API Activity
Logging API activity is a remedy, assuming hackers have successfully hacked into your network. It helps monitor all happenings and, hopefully, locate the problem source.
Logging API activity helps assess the kind of attack made and how the hackers implemented it. If you are a victim of a successful hack, this could be your chance to strengthen your security. All it takes is hardening your API to prevent subsequent attempts.
8. Perform Security Tests
Why wait until your system begins to fight an attack? You can conduct specific tests to ensure top-notch network protection. An API test lets you hack into your network and provides you with a list of vulnerabilities. As a developer, it’s only normal to make time for such tasks.
Implementing API Security: SOAP API vs. REST API
Applying effective API security practices starts with knowing your goal and then implementing the necessary tools for success. If you are familiar with APIs, you must have heard about SOAP and REST: the two primary protocols in the field. While both work to protect a network from external penetration, some key features and differences come into play.
1. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
This is a web-based API key that aids data consistency and stability. It helps to conceal data transmission between two devices with different programming languages and tools. SOAP sends responses through envelopes, which include a header and a body. Unfortunately, SOAP doesn’t work with REST. If your focus lies solely on securing web data, this is just right for the job.
2. Representational State Transfer (REST)
REST introduces a technical approach and intuitive patterns that support web application tasks. This protocol creates essential key patterns while also supporting HTTP verbs. While SOAP disapproves REST, the latter is more complex because it supports its API counterpart.
Enhancing Your Network Security With APIs
APIs excite ethical techies and cybercriminals. Facebook, Google, Instagram, and others have all been hit by a successful token request, which is financially devastating for sure. However, it’s all part of the game.
Taking huge blows from a successful penetration creates an opportunity to fortify your database. Implementing a proper API strategy seems overwhelming, but the process is more precise than you can imagine.
Developers with knowledge of APIs know which protocol to choose for a particular job. It would be a great mistake to neglect the security practices proposed in this piece. You can now bid farewell to network vulnerabilities and system penetration.