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The variety of voice lines throughout the game adds a whole new level of comedy not seen in the original. Sure, Psychonauts had an amazing cast with characters and dialogue players will never forget, but Psychonauts 2 is just a larger game with a lot more to explore.

8 Everything In Raz’ Pregnant “Dream Sequence”

One of the strangest (and most hilarious) easter eggs in Psychonauts 2, and possibly all of gaming, is the pregnant raz comic made by Pendleton Ward. The creator of Adventure Time created a sequence no-one is going to forget, although it is a little out of the way.

In the animatic, Raz asks “why don’t I remember any of this” to which Ford replies “you want to remember this?” while inexplicably wearing clown makeup with an armful of piglets. It’s an… experience… that can’t be summed up in just a few words.

7 Sam’s Pancakes

In the Diner, Raz finds Sam in the kitchen. Interacting with Sam reveals some hilarious dialogue that perhaps hints at Sam’s origins. When Raz asks her where she learned where to make pancakes, Sam quickly says “prison” while staring blankly.

It takes Raz a second to process this as he looks shocked, to which Sam replies “wait, what did I say? I meant from my mother.” The entire scene is home to some unforgettable lines of dialogue, including using butter as a metaphor.

6 Pobody’s Nerfect, Especially Dogen

When talking to Sam, Raz can uncover a little bit more about Dogen, the surprisingly powerful (if not a bit shy) character from the first game. Raz asks Sam whether he really has made people’s heads explode, to which she replies “No! Never!” and then asks whether he means only people who didn’t deserve it.

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Raz then says “No! Anybody!” to which Sam says “Look, pobody’s nerfect. Am I right?” Dogen was of course seen in the first game in a special sequence where he blows up squirrels with his mind at Whispering Rock Summer Camp.

5 Vertically Impaired Preteens

When Raz makes his way into the mind of Gristol later in the game, it’s obvious that nobody working the various rides likes their job. They seem to take it out on visitors in a snarky way, including so-called VIPs.

When Lili mentions that her and Raz are VIPs, one ride operator notes their height, saying “Oh, does that stand for Vertically-Impaired Preteens?” While Raz does age between Psychonauts and Psychonauts 2, he doesn’t appear to become much taller, if at all.

4 Everyone Can See Raz Picking Up Mental Connection

Whenever Raz picks up a new mental power, he makes a classic ITEM FOUND pose present in lots of games, like in the Zelda series. What makes this different in Psychonauts 2, though, is that apparently everyone else can see him do this.

When Raz picks up the first power of the game, Mental Connection, he strikes the pose, to which Lizzie asks “uh, what are you doing, weirdo?” It’s apparently not meant for the player’s eyes only.

3 The Pillinko Game Host Misunderstands Raz

In the Casino there are lots and lots of memorable moments, but one that stands out is with the operator of the Pillinko game. When Raz says “I want another shot!” the Needle Nurse misunderstands.

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The operator says to this “OK, I’m gonna need you to bend over…” before Raz cuts them off and reiterates, “No! Another shot at the game!” Maybe the attendant thinks Raz wanted his COVID-19 booster shot instead of a second try.

2 Raz’ Nickname, According To His Family

When players finally meet Raz’s family in Psychonauts 2 it’s a simultaneously hilarious and oddly heartwarming moment. Raz doesn’t get called by his name by his family, instead his mother calls him “pootie” and his siblings all call him “pooter.”

It’s unknown exactly why he was given this moniker – perhaps Raz was a particularly flatulent child. Lizzie starts to call Raz this as well shortly after, against his wishes.

1 A Serious Mission In The Forgetful Forest

Right before heading to the Questionable Area and the Forgetful Forest, and as part of the questline to open up the Bowling Alley, Raz thinks about to himself on his mission objectives. The charming qualities of the Psychonauts franchise are made fun of in an easily missed moment.

Raz says “I’m off to the Forgetful Forest to get a bee for Agent Boole. This is a serious mission, no matter how adorable it sounds.” Indeed, it does sound like something out of a fairytale, but it’s an important mission nonetheless.

Psychonauts 2is available for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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