Injectable Botox alternatives include:

Myobloc (rimabotulinumtoxinb) Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA) Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA) Bellafill (dermal filler) Juvederm (hyaluronic acid gel)

The benefits of Botox last about four months. Some of these have longer periods between recommended treatments, which may be attractive for both cost and convenience concerns.

Laser resurfacing is a cosmetic treatment for wrinkles that lets you avoid needles entirely. And various types of cosmetic surgery procedures may help you achieve your goals. It’s important to know that simple lifestyle changes can make your skin appear smoother too.

This article discusses Botox alternatives that can help smooth wrinkles and keep a more youthful appearance.


All of the injected neurotoxins work by paralyzing specifically targeted muscles to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. Among the common effects of neurotoxin injection is that people often can’t move their face normally, which can make you appear less expressive than usual. Most of the time, this is not extremely obvious, but sometimes the lack of normal facial expression is noticeable.

You might consider other neurotoxins besides Botox if you’re one of the rare people who has developed an “immunity” to Botox.

Myobloc (Rimabotulinumtoxinb)

Myobloc is sometimes recommended specifically for people for whom Botox doesn’t work (Botox resistance).

Myobloc is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for cosmetic use. It’s indicated for the treatment of cervical dystonia (a painful neuromuscular condition affecting the head and neck), pediatric urinary incontinence, migraine headaches, and other medical problems.

Despite its FDA status, some healthcare providers prescribe it off-label to reduce wrinkles.

Dysport (AbobotulinumtoxinA)

Dysport is approved by the FDA to treat fine lines and wrinkles. This injectable works similarly to Botox as a neuromodulator, which means that it blocks a nerve. However, there are differences at the molecular level.

While just as effective as Botox, the molecules in Dysport are smaller than the molecules in Botox. Smaller molecules allow Dysport to work faster than Botox.

However, this can also cause it to spread away from the injection site. This spread appears to be more of an issue when larger amounts of the product are used, especially in the forehead.

Xeomin (IncobotulinumtoxinA)

Xeomin is approved by the FDA to treat lines between the eyebrows. It is also approved for cervical dystonia and blepharospasm, or eye twitching. Doctors may prescribe it off-label to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, and frown lines.

The results are comparable to Botox, with benefits seen in about a week and lasting several months. The advantage may be a reduced risk of developing antibodies to the toxin, which means you’re less likely to see Xeomin stop working compared to Botox.


Fillers work by injecting a small amount of material under the skin to make it appear fuller.Fillers are not usually considered a replacement for a neurotoxin because they work differently, so you might choose a filler instead of a neurotoxin if it serves your needs better. But don’t expect it to have the same effect.

Bellafill (Dermal Filler)

This semi-permanent filler tends to be a mixture of collagen and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres. Bellafill is FDA-approved for treating acne scars, and its use for wrinkles and fine lines is considered off-label.

Once injected, your body absorbs the collagen. The PMMA microspheres stay in place and can plump up the skin or give it a smoother-looking appearance. Results can last up to five years.


Juvederm is a brand name for another family of injectable fillers known as hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.

This is man-made from a gel-like substance found naturally in the human body between cells, The fillers are soft when injected so they’re used in places like the lips that require more flexibility.

The effects may last nine to 12 months.

Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a professional skin treatment that can reduce lines without the use of an injectable. Using a CO2 laser, a surgeon works on areas of the skin where you want to reduce wrinkles, tighten the skin, stimulate new collagen formation, or repair skin damage.

The skin and the area directly underneath are heated, which destroys old tissue and stimulates the production of new collagen. The newly formed tissue is firmer, which results In a smoother appearance.

The full benefits of laser resurfacing may not be obvious for months or even a year, but the results can last several years.


Minimally invasive surgical procedures can be very effective. However, you may still have to deal with wrinkles and marks that develop from repeated facial movements post-surgery.

Facelift: During a facelift, a surgeon makes incisions along the edges of the face. The muscles and connective tissue under the skin are tightened. Fat may also be removed and excess skin is trimmed off. Brow lift: Also known as a forehead lift, a brow lift reduces wrinkles along the forehead and the area between the eyes. Hooded eyes may also be treated with a brow lift. Eyelid lift: An eyelid lift is medically known as blepharoplasty. This surgery can raise sagging eyelids (ptosis). It may be done for cosmetic reasons to treat age-related changes or to fix vision problems that can result from drooping eyelids.

Other surgical options target the corrugator muscle, which draws the eyebrows down and together:

Corrugator myotomy: The muscle is cut into, but not removed. This technique only reduces eyebrow furrowing; it does not eliminate it. Corrugator myectomy: This is a more invasive procedure in which the corrugator muscle is removed. Since you will no longer be bunching up the skin with your muscle, you’ll avoid developing new lines in this area between the eyebrows.

Unless the corrugator muscle is completely removed during the procedure, the results may not be permanent.

Some risks come with this procedure, including decreased sensation in a small area of the forehead and a cosmetically undesirable depression between the brows. In addition, some doctors warn against this procedure, saying that it can result in the face taking on an exaggerated, artificial, perpetually “surprised” look.

Which Cosmetic Procedure Is Right For You?

There are many things to consider if you are thinking about having a cosmetic procedure.

Cost is a factor, and surgery is generally the most expensive option. Other factors that affect the cost include where you are having the procedure, how much of a change you are looking for, and which product you are having injected. Some cosmetic clinics may have different prices for different products, depending on how often they use them.

Contraindications are another factor. People who have health conditions that could make surgery or anesthesia risky might be advised to steer away from surgery or any major procedure. Additionally, if you are taking blood thinners, it might increase your risk of bruising from an injection, and you may need to stop taking it before having a procedure with a higher likelihood of bleeding.

You and your provider will also need to discuss which method will be most likely to achieve the results you are looking for, how long the effect is expected to last, recovery time, and the most common risks.

As standalone approaches to smoothing skin, they may not be as effective as medical or surgical alternatives, but they can have a positive effect.

Lifestyle changes that can help you minimize fine lines and wrinkles include:

Stay hydratedGet regular exerciseReduce exposure to ultraviolet raysAvoid smoking and secondhand exposureEat a well-balanced dietGet adequate rest and sleep

These also offer the added benefits of having no side effects and improving other aspects of your health.

Research has shown that diet plays an especially important role in skin health. To maintain youthful skin, researchers suggest adding the following foods and supplements.

Multivitamins: Try to get adequate amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, biotin, and the minerals chromium, iron, selenium, and zinc. Resveratrol: Found in high concentrations in the skin of grapes and wine, it’s also in blueberries, cranberries, and peanuts. Flavonoids: These powerful antioxidants are found in green tea. Turmeric: With antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties, turmeric has been shown to benefit the skin in a variety of ways.


Alternatives to Botox include different types of injectable neurotoxins and fillers, laser resurfacing, and cosmetic surgeries. Diet and a healthy lifestyle can also help reduce the signs of aging.

It’s important to discuss all options with your healthcare provider to be sure that medications, surgery, or changes in your diet or routine are good for your overall health.

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