We also see many people in the gym with bulging quads in their upper body but ridiculously thin below their knees. It is clear that they haven’t given due importance to building their leg muscles.

It is, therefore, essential to include specific leg workouts to build a well-proportioned physique. With appropriate training anyone can develop their calf size.

The lower legs consist of muscles known as – ‘Gastrocnemius’, ‘Soleus’ and the ‘Tibialis Anterior’. Gastrocnemius & Soleus make up the calves. The gastrocnemius muscles are found on top of the Soleus muscles.

Tibialis Anterior, though small, is important because a weak Tibialis Anterior might increase the risk of ankle injuries. Any movement involving flexing of the ankle strengthens the Tibialis Anterior.

While the Gastrocnemius muscles contribute to the outward appearance & size of the calves, it is important that Soleus muscles are also exercised since each of them has their unique functions.

Standing movements that raise the body up with toes work the Gastrocnemius, seated calf raises work for the Soleus and reverse calf raises work for Tibialis Anterior.

Given below are 8 easy and effective calf exercises. Try to include them into your workouts - 3 sets & 15 reps each, at least a couple of time a week.

# 1. Seated Calf Raise


  1. Sit on a box or bench/ chair with your feet flat on the ground, holding dumbbells on your knees.

  2. Raise your heels off the ground as high as possible.

  3. Lower your heels back slowly to the ground and repeat.

Important Tips:

  1. Be sure to squeeze the calves at the peak of the movement.

  2. Perform the movement gently.

Also, read 6 Effective Calf Workouts To Get Perfect Calf Muscles.

#2. Standing Calf Raise


  1. Hold a dumbbell in your left hand. Use wall or a rail as a support.

  2. Stand on the edge of a box or raised surface with your heel & mid foot of your left leg. The ball of your left foot hanging off. Your right toes resting on your left ankle.

  3. Raise your left heel as high as possible.

  4. Pause and slowly lower your heel down below the raised surface until you feel a stretch in your calf.

  5. Repeat and do equal reps on both legs.

Important Tips:

  1. Don’t make bouncy movement. Control your movement throughout.

  2. Ensure squeezing the calves at the top of the movement.

  3. To achieve more stretch, lower the heel as far as possible.

  4. Legs should remain straight throughout the movement.

Next up: Farmer’s Walk On

# 3. Farmer’s Walk On


  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your feet hip-width apart.

  2. Hold the dumbbells by your sides, keeping your shoulders down.

  3. Raise your heels standing on your toes.

  4. Walk forward on your toes without letting your heels touch the ground.

Important Tips:

  1. Be careful, when you get tired in your hands, do not drop the weights on your toes.

Also, read 4 Amazingly Easy Leg Workouts At Home.

Next up: Downward Dog

# 4. Downward Dog


  1. Position yourself in a tabletop position. Hands placed on the ground below your shoulders and knees under your hips.

  2. Press your palms, raise your knees off the ground with toes firmly on the ground. Slowly raise your hips up.

  3. Straighten your legs until your body makes a triangular shape with the ground.

  4. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.

  5. Bend the knees and lower the hips back to table position

Important Tips:

  1. Engage your core as you continue to lengthen your spine and lift your hips as high as possible.

Also, read 6 Productive Leg Exercises - Leg Day Workout.

Next up: Donkey Calf Raise

# 5. Donkey Calf Raise


  1. Stand on an elevated surface or platform, with your heels hanging off the edge.

  2. Bend over and hold on to a table or rail (something stable) for support. Your upper body should be parallel with the ground.

  3. Flex your calves, raise your heels up as high as possible.

  4. Heels hanging off the edge return to the starting position, once your calves are stretched.

Important Tips:

  1. Legs should be straight throughout the movement.

  2. If done precisely, this workout will also strengthen the lower back.

Next up: Straight Leg Calf Stretch

# 6. Straight Leg Calf Stretch


  1. Stand away from a wall at arm’s distance. Take one step back and bend your front knee.

  2. Leaning forward, push your hands against the wall and press your heel down to the ground. Leg to be kept straight.

  3. Switch legs and repeat.

Important Tips:

  1. You may try a variation with your back leg slightly bent to isolate the Soleus.

Next up: Standing Wall Calf Stretch

# 7. Standing Wall Calf Stretch


  1. Stand in front of a wall & put one foot forward to rest against the wall. Your heel should be on the ground and the ball of your foot against the wall.

  2. Place your hands on the wall and slowly straighten your front leg and lean forward to feel a good stretch in your calf.

  3. Switch legs and repeat.

Important Tips:

  1. While leaning forward, take care to straighten your legs gently without giving any jerk.

Next up: Dumbbell Jump Squat

# 8. Dumbbell Jump Squat


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand.

  2. Lower down into a squat position pushing your back your hips. Ensure that your thighs are parallel to the ground.

  3. In one straight move, straighten your legs & come out of the squat position and jump off the ground.

  4. Lower yourself back into the squat position. Repeat.

Important Tips:

  1. While doing this dumbbell workout, take care to land softly with bent knees as you jump off the ground.

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