“Do you want to go for a bike ride sometime soon?” “We should go check out that new coffee shop. ” “What days are you usually free? Wanna hang out sometime?”

Start your conversation with a friendly greeting like, “Hey Billy, how are you doing? I hope you’re doing well,” to lead into the conversation. Stay away from anything self-deprecating, too. Something like, “I have such a hard time making friends… Wanna hang out?” can be a little off-putting, and it could put unnecessary pressure on your friend.

“Do you have any plans next weekend? I was thinking of getting tickets to the new exhibit at the museum downtown. ” “What are you doing Thursday after work? I’m going to see my favorite band, and tickets are pretty cheap. Wanna come with me?”

If you’ve hung out a few times already, feel free to invite your friend on a larger hangout, like a boating trip or an afternoon of rock climbing.

You can confirm your plans by saying something like, “Okay cool, so drinks after work on Friday? What time do you get off?” Or, “I’ll see you on Saturday to watch the game. What time should I head over?” If you don’t already have your friend’s number, now would be a good time to jot it down. That way, you can text or call them if you need confirmation or directions.

Say something like, “Hey, me and some buddies were gonna watch the game at my place on Sunday. Feel free to stop by if you want to!” Or, “I’m meeting some friends at the river this weekend, I’d love it if you joined us. ”

“I’m free all day Saturday, so just give me a call if you want to hang out. ” “Feel free to text me once you get off work on Monday. I have the day off, so I won’t be doing much. ” “I’ll be at the mall later if you want to meet up. Text me if you decide to come!”

Sometimes, people will say no indirectly. They might say, “I’m just super busy right now,” or, “I don’t have a lot of free time. ” However, if your friend says, “I’m busy tomorrow, but what about next week?” that means they actually want to hang out soon. Try to work around their schedule to make time for them.