Whatever may be your goal, be it getting into shape or build muscles, one must not get into the mindset that without joining a gym or using equipment they cannot achieve their desired results. It is only a misconception that you need equipment for workouts.

Working out from home and that too without equipment is not less effective than working out in a gym with heavy equipment and would certainly benefit you to get into a decent shape.

It has other benefits as well – it saves you the hassle of going to a gym, saves money spent on gym fees or equipment, time lost getting to the gym or standing in the queue for the equipment you want to use etc., and being able to exercise whenever you need to also motivate you not to skip a day to workout.

If you have a desire to get fit and healthy, begin from home with simple and effective workouts. In this article, we will look at 8 of the best workouts at home without equipment to train for your upper body & Lower body including your arms & legs.

Your fitness goals & endurance should be the deciding factor for the number of reps for each exercise.

#1 Jumping Jacks

This workout is useful for warming up and is great for cardiovascular exercise.

Also, read 6 Proven Warm Up Exercises You Must Do As Part Of Your Workout Regime.


  1. Stand up straight. Relax your shoulders & keep your arms at your sides and feet at shoulder width.

  2. Slightly bend your knees and jump a few inches off the ground simultaneously lifting your arms overhead until your hands are about shoulder width apart.

  3. As you jump & lift your arms overhead, open your legs wider than shoulder width.

  4. Gently land in the starting position with arms at your sides and feet shoulder-width apart. Repeat as required.

Important Tips :

  1. Keep your joints loose to avoid injury.

  2. Use this workout as a way of warming up before a more vigorous workout, or as a cardio workout itself.

#2 Push-ups

Push-ups are great workouts for your chest, shoulders, triceps and core for a complete muscle-building exercise.


  1. Start in a plank position: toes on the ground & hands shoulder-width apart, fingers pointed forward.

  2. With your back straight, while breathing in, slowly bend your arms and lower your chest to almost ground level.

  3. Using your arms, raise yourself to the plank position while breathing out. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Important Tips: If holding the plank position becomes difficult, you may lower your knees to the ground.

Next up: Crunches

#3 Crunches

Crunches help with core strength and may tone your midsection.

Also, read 8 Best Ab Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Sculpted Six Packs.


  1. Using a mat, lie down on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, about hip-width apart.

  2. Place your hands behind your head, your thumbs behind your ears. Keep your elbows out to the sides but slightly towards your chest.

  3. While gently pulling your abdominals inward, curl up and move forward so that your head, neck, and shoulder blades are raised off the floor.

  4. Hold for a second or two at the top of the movement and then lower slowly down. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Important Tips:

  1. Don’t pull on your neck with your hands.

  2. Keep your abdominals pulled in so you feel more stretch in your abs.

  3. Breathe out as you crunch up. Breathe in as you lower down.

  4. Perform crunches very slowly and with control.

Next up: Bodyweight Squats

#4 Bodyweight Squats

The bodyweight squat is a lower body strengthening exercise for major muscle groups - the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core.

Also, read 5 Effective Squat Exercises That’ll Shape Up Your Butt.


  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes turned slightly out. To engage core, brace your abdominal muscles and keep your eyes forward.

  2. Bend the knees slowly and drop your hips to lower your body. Keep your feet flat on the floor. To counter-balance your weight, hold your arms out in front of you at shoulder height.

  3. Pause for a moment at the bottom of the exercise and push back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Important Tips:

  1. Keep your back as straight as possible throughout the lift to avoid injury.

  2. Brace abs throughout the movement to keep back flat.

Next up: The Warrior Pose

#5 The Warrior Pose

This workout basically comes from Yoga and is highly effective in strengthening the core muscles along with the thighs & butt.


  1. Stand with your legs joined and hand by your side.

  2. Slowly get into a lunge by slowly bending your right leg forward and push your left leg backwards.

  3. Raise both the hands and join them above your head.

  4. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Important Tips:

  1. Try to go down as much as possible to give your lower body stretch to the maximum.

Next up: Big Arm Circles

#6 Big Arm Circles

This exercise targets the shoulders, triceps, back and biceps.

Also, read 5 Explosive Bicep Exercises that Guarantees Big Arms.


  1. Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart. Lift and extend your arms to the sides.

  2. Rotate your arms forward slowly, making big circles.

  3. Complete one set in one direction and then switch, rotating your arms backwards.

Important Tips:

  1. Breathe-in while raising the arms and breathe-out while rotating the arms around.

  2. Ensure the movement is controlled & gentle.

Next up: Side Planks

#7 Side Planks

This exercise strengthens the shoulders, wrists, and arms.


  1. Lie on one side with your legs fully extended.

  2. Using your right lower elbow and forearm, push your body up & down. Balance your torso with your feet. Ensure that your abs are tight. The body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles.

  3. To complete the exercise, repeat on the other side.

Important Tips

  1. Keep your neck in line with your spine.

  2. Ensure that your hips don’t drop.

Next up: Floor Bridges

#8 Floor Bridges

Floor bridges are useful for the thighs, butt, lower back & also the shoulder & neck muscles.


  1. Lie down on your back using a yoga mat with hands by your sides.

  2. Fold your legs, tighten your abdominal & buttock muscles and push up your lower body up.

  3. For support, put your hands under your body.

  4. Hold the position for a few moments and release. Repeat as required.

Important Tips

  1. Avoid raising your hips too high.

  2. In case of difficulty in folding the knees to the full, you may place your feet farther away, to begin with.

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