Eight home remedies for yeast infections include:

YogurtBoric acid vaginal suppositoriesOil of oreganoCoconut oilTea tree oilApple cider vinegarGarlicVitamin C

Before trying any of these, however, it’s important to see your healthcare provider and make sure you are indeed dealing with a yeast infection rather than bacterial vaginosis, a sexually transmitted infection, or a urinary tract infection.

This article describes these home remedies for yeast infections and why they may work, as well as other remedies that remain unproven. It also explains why a healthcare provider may need to treat your infection with OTC creams or a prescription antifungal medication.


Eating plain yogurt without sweetener and with probiotic live cultures may help to prevent future yeast infections. Probiotics are live microorganisms that can be consumed for health benefits, especially for the digestive system.

Eating probiotic-rich foods can help to restore your gut flora back to a healthy balance, killing bad bacteria that lead to disease and increasing good bacteria. 

A common side effect of antibiotics is a yeast infection because antibiotics kill the bacteria in the vagina that is responsible for preventing yeast overgrowth. When the number of good bacteria is too low, yeast growth can become out of control and lead to a yeast infection. 

Eating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt may therefore be an effective way to prevent a yeast infection. It has yet to be proven whether eating yogurt can cure a yeast infection. 

Boric Acid

Boric acid is a natural compound that has been found to have antifungal effects. It contains antioxidants to help the body restore its supply of good bacteria.

Studies have shown that boric acid is a safe alternative treatment for yeast infections, especially when traditional antifungal medication is not effective. Boric acid may be helpful if you experience chronic yeast infections and have been prescribed antifungals several times. Roughly 10% of people with vaginas fall into this category, experiencing at least three such infections in a year.

Boric acid usually comes in the form of a vaginal suppository, which is inserted into the vagina and should never be taken by mouth. Follow the package instructions and check with your healthcare provider if your symptoms do not improve.

Oil of Oregano

Oregano oil is an essential oil known for its health benefits. A 2016 study found that oregano oil was able to inhibit both the growth and activity of Candida albicans, the most common type of yeast that causes vaginal yeast infections. The essential oil was more effective at fighting yeast overgrowth than the prescription antifungal clotrimazole.

In the study, oregano oil was more damaging to the cell wall of Candida yeast than the antifungal prescriptions tested. It should be noted that this study examined oregano oil’s effects on yeast in a lab setting. However, more research is needed to determine how to use oregano oil in the body. 

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been found to inhibit the overgrowth of bacteria in the body. A 2018 study found that when dissolved in water, coconut oil was an effective antimicrobial agent.

This may help prevent yeast infections since infection occurs when the bacteria and yeast in the vagina become out of balance.

Coconut oil can be taken by mouth or mixed into foods such as oatmeal or baked goods. More research looking into how to use coconut oil to treat a yeast infection is needed. 

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a proven antifungal agent and is effective at fighting Candida albicans. A 2020 study found that tea tree oil was effective at fighting yeast that was resistant to antifungal medications.

Talk with your gynecologist if you’d like to incorporate tea tree oil into your treatment plan. Avoid placing the essential oil directly on or in the vagina or consuming it by mouth. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar potentially has both antifungal and antimicrobial effects. This means that it may treat and prevent an overgrowth of both yeast and bacteria in the body.

Apple cider vinegar appears to work by inhibiting Candida from adhering to smooth surfaces. This can help to prevent a yeast infection because the yeast is unable to bind together and stay in the vagina. However, more research is needed to support this claim.

Try mixing a spoonful of apple cider vinegar into a large glass of water and drinking it each morning. Don’t attempt to use vinegar directly on your vagina.


Garlic has antifungal properties and has been found to be effective at reducing yeast during a vaginal yeast infection. Studies have not found that garlic can prevent infection, though.

Garlic can be consumed raw or in a concentrated supplement. Add garlic to your cooking or try an OTC garlic pill or oil. Follow the package instructions and check with your healthcare provider if you do not experience symptom relief within a few days. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C can do a lot more than help you get over the common cold. It has proven antimicrobial and antifungal properties and can be taken orally as a way to help fight yeast infections.

You can get vitamin C by eating leafy greens and citrus fruits. You could also take a vitamin C supplement. 

When To Call Your Healthcare Provider

Home remedies for yeast infections should work within a week, as is the case with most OTC yeast infection treatments. If you are still experiencing symptoms, see your healthcare provider.

Never douche or use soap inside your vaginaWear cotton underwear that is not too tight and is breathableChange out of sweaty workout clothes or wet bathing suits right awayAvoid scented soaps and detergentsChange pads and tampons oftenWhen using the bathroom, always wipe from front to backAvoid spending too much time in hot tubs and very hot bathsMinimize yeast-promoting foods in your diet, such as alcohol and sugar

Your practitioner may be able to prescribe Diflucan (fluconazole), an antifungal oral medication that can usually treat a yeast infection in one dose. But if yeast infection treatment still isn’t working, it may be because you don’t have a yeast infection.

Bacterial vaginosis, sexually transmitted infections, skin disorders, and other conditions can sometimes present with similar symptoms to those of a yeast infection. Some of these infections can have serious complications when left untreated.

If you notice that you are experiencing frequent yeast infections, see your gynecologist. You may need a more long-term antifungal treatment to wipe out the infection and prevent future ones.