But not all combat medics are meek and passive characters. Some of them are the very antithesis of what constitutes a healer in a video game. There are mad doctors, necromancers, and evil medical geniuses who also love to kill and hurt as much as they abide by their hypocritic— sorry, Hippocratic Oath. These medics are some of the glaring ironic examples in their field of specialization.

8 The Medic (Team Fortress 2)

One doesn’t have to interact with the Medic from Team Fortress 2 to guess his intentions. This crazed Germanic medical practitioner has loose morals and ethics regarding medicine. But apparently, that doesn’t matter in Team Fortress 2 since the band of misfits there would settle for any port in a storm.

The Medic is just as proficient in using his medical tools in killing enemies as much as he is at healing allies (if not more so). That means the very saws, syringes, and other surgical tools he uses for his patients are also likely the same ones he jabs, slices, and buries into his enemies’ organs. So he pretty much has the same medical credibility as a butcher acting as a surgeon.

7 J.S. Steinman (Bioshock)

Much like Team Fortress 2’s medic, J.S. Steinman from Bioshock is also a disturbed mind. He’s a genius, no doubt about that as he pioneered surgery in the city of Rapture that can only be summed up as cutting edge (pun intended). Except he went insane and power-hungry; Steinman quickly descended into a maniac who will happily splice anyone with what he deems as imperfections.

Well, he can surely dig out and patch bullet holes or stitch up a wound, but knowing his personality, he’ll add a few “extras” to the procedure. His patients will end up with porcelain grafted onto their skin or limbs replaced with someone else’s (and that’s just the softcore stuff). There’s also the fact that he’ll probably only agree to become a medic to his patients and not sane or normal-looking players.

6 Dr. Mundo (League Of Legends)

Dr. Mundo is a self-proclaimed medical practitioner in Zaun. Prior to that, he was an insane asylum patient subjected to countless lobotomies and illegal, gruesome experiments. So, he’s just copying what he learned from those doctors and applying them to his “patients”.

There’s no sugarcoating it anymore, Dr. Mundo is a walking nightmare. He uses his medicines to become an abomination with each dosage and is more likely to hack off a limb with a sprain instead of treating it right since he has zero medical knowledge. Even so, he’s convinced that he’s a good doctor; his patients never come back, apparently.

5 Dr. Zed (Borderlands)

Dr. Zed in Borderlands doesn’t directly aid in the field but the presence of his vending machines that sell healing canisters and other helpful protective stuff. The problem is, Dr. Zed has long-lost his medical license. The reasons were never revealed, but that didn’t stop him from wearing his white coat and performing “surgeries” on dead bodies.

So while Dr. Zed has been incredibly helpful in Borderlands as a businessman, it’s surely better to seek someone who has an actual medical license. Zed has this propensity for overcharging whenever he revives players who got killed by bandits.

4 Durance (Pillars Of Eternity)

On to medieval fantasy, Durance from Pillars of Eternity is supposedly a cleric. Except, he’s on the extreme side of the clergyman spectrum. Durance is a religious zealot who has killed and massacred countless people all in the name of his beliefs no matter how twisted they might be.

In true religious bigot fashion, Durance executed, burned, and lynched his victims just because of some misguided ideals. That personality is sadly contrasted by his excellent healing abilities as a cRPG party cleric. For anything else, it’s best to leave him be; he’s not exactly a pleasant addition to the party.

3 Moira (Overwatch)

Moira is supposedly the evil version of Mercy who’s the stereotypical angelic video game medic. That doesn’t mean her medical expertise are lacking. It’s just that Moira put her own sociopathic twist into her medicinal knowledge. Moira likes to cut corners and resort to some illegal and unethical experiments to realize her goal.

She’s an accomplished geneticist, but her methods are questionable and dangerous for mankind as a whole. To that end, she’s on the same boat as Dr. Steinman from Bioshock. Moira is an evil genius who will likely conduct some forced experiments and modifications on her unconscious patients.

2 Anders (Dragon Age 2)

Anders has been a mainstay of the Dragon Age franchise ever since he appeared in the Awakening expansion. Back then, he was a talented jokester of a cleric. In Dragon Age 2, however, he shared his body with a vengeful and vindictive parasite ghost who made him somewhat annoying.

Every so often, Anders will lose control of his mortal shell and Justice— the ghost, will take over. What follows after is a deafening preach that he’ll be sure to repeat again and again ad nausea. He’s still a good healer when he’s in control, but that parasitic ghost is ruining his career and social circle.

1 Occultist (Darkest Dungeon)

Not much is known about the Occultis in Darkest Dungeon since most of the characters/classes there are silent. But he’s one of the dedicated healing and support characters in the game, along with a nun. The Occultist can then be unreliable since his healing involves invoking an obscure Eldritch god or incantation which will either do nothing or make a dying party member good as new.

To that end, he’s not much of a doctor. He heals wounds not with bandages, but with some weird juju that might bind the patient to an Eldritch horror under eternal servitude. Sure enough, there’s no waiver or legal agreement against that since he’s not exactly a medical practitioner. So any Lovecraftian tentacles or violet pus oozing out of that healed stab wound isn’t his responsibility.

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