Though the game has a low barrier to entry and is very accessible for players across age ranges, the game still does have a competitive meta. For players looking to rack up wins, learning the meta and the best pickups will be important. Super Animal Royale features several different weapons and a number of “Super Powerups” that players can use to be the last ones standing. Just like any other battle royale, some of these pickups are better than the rest!

8 The Cupgrade

Super Animal Royale forgoes the usual bandages or medkits for a single primary healing feature- Health Juice. Players spawn with 25 Health Juice in reserve, and their cups can be filled by finding Health Juice pickups across the map. The cup can hold 200 points of Health Juice, and a full bar of health is 100, so the cup can refill two bars of health. The Cupgrade used to allow players to store more Health Juice in reserve but has since been changed.

Now, the Cupgrade increases the healing rate of Health Juice, allowing injured players to heal up faster and get back in the fight sooner. Players that choose to use the Cupgrade will heal at a 25% faster rate than those without, and that’s a noticeable difference for sure. While it may not be the best Super Powerup in the game, the Cupgrade’s guaranteed benefits and ease of use make it one of the most accessible and powerful Super Powerups for the majority of players to use.

7 Dual Pistols

Unlike other games with dual pistols, the akimbo pistols of Super Animal Royale work a little differently. Dual pistols don’t naturally spawn in the world. Instead, dual pistols are made via “crafting” two basic pistols together. Essentially, a player can pick up a single pistol and then pick up a second pistol with their original pistol equipped to craft dual pistols. What makes dual pistols one of the best pickups in the game is how their rarity works though.

Rarity in Super Animal Royale works similarly to rarity systems used in most games. A gray pickup is common, green is uncommon, blue is rare, purple is epic, and gold is legendary. The higher the rarity, the better the performance of the weapon. With dual pistols, the highest rarity is prioritized when crafting. This means that a player can find a random epic rarity single pistol and combine it with a common gray pistol to get epic dual pistols! While pistols aren’t going to outgun many of the more powerful weapons in the game, the dual pistols are a quick and powerful early-game weapon and this cements them as one of the best pickups in the game!

6 Grenades

The common fragmentation grenade is easily one of the best throwables in Super Animal Royale. Grenades deal a maximum of 150 damage and completely ignore armor. That means that a single well-placed grenade can instantly take down an opposing player, even if they’re decked out with level three armor! Players can hold up to four grenades by default and grenades can be tossed over obstacles that guns can’t fire through. Grenades also deal AoE damage to multiple combatants, making them useful for crowd control.

Because of their explosive nature though, grenades can still harm the thrower. Thus, it’s wise not to get too wild with them, as the player can easily down themselves when trying to attack other players! With good game sense and a good arm though, grenades can often change the tide of a fight as it only takes one good one to eliminate a foe entirely!

5 The AK Or M16

Players can hold two weapons in Super Animal Royale alongside a throwable, a Super Powerup, and their melee weapon. Thanks to their overall versatility and spawn rate, it is more than likely that most players will be using an assault rifle of some sort. There are only two assault rifles in the game, the AK and the less common M16. The M16 has a legendary spawn from the game’s “air drops” (called Mole Crates) while the AK’s highest rarity is epic.

The assault rifles are fantastic options for dealing with players at nearly any range. Their high rate of fire keeps the pressure on attacking foes and often forces them to move around, potentially interrupting sniper shots or grenade tosses. Though these guns aren’t going to out-damage a high-level sniper rifle or deagle, their overall package makes them one of the most common and accessible pickups in the game. Never underestimate how far even a rare AK can bring a player!

4 The Banana Forker

Unlike the previously listed Cupgrade, this Super Powerup requires players to be a little more active in its use. The Banana Forker allows players to consume banana peels on the ground, which are a type of “grenade” that go into the throwable slot. Consuming these banana peels clears them from the field and restores 25 health points. As players can hold up to 10 bananas by default, this already could be a good source of alternate healing.

That’s not all though, the Banana Forker doubles the health gained from eating coconuts, mushrooms, and event health pickups that can be found in the world (though it doesn’t affect campfire healing). These often provide little to no benefit and are more of a crutch when the player is missing Health Juice. With the Forker though, these ambient health items become serious sources of healing, allowing the Health Juice to be saved for emergencies. To make this Super Powerup even better, it allows players to consume health pickups from farther away than players without a Forker.

3 Level Three Armor

It goes without being said that armor is very important in every battle royale it’s featured in. Shields and armor are the first line of defense for a player in any shootout, and players without armor pickups are often the first to fall in a gunfight, even if they have decent weapons.

This rule very much applies in Super Animal Royale and thus makes the highest tier armor a fantastic pickup. Level three armor prevents the most oncoming damage but will take a little longer to fully repair with tape–not a bad tradeoff in the grand scheme of things, right?

2 Skunk Bombs

Like most battle royales, Super Animal Royale features an encroaching circle of gas that forces players together in continually smaller stages of combat. The power of this gas can be harnessed to devastating effect with the Skunk Bomb throwable. In many ways though, the damage of these throwables isn’t what makes them the best “grenade” pickup in the game though.

The crowd control effects of the Skunk Bombs are really what makes them powerful. They act as small circles of gas that deal damage over time to foes that step inside. As a result, several Skunk Bombs can be thrown to deter foes pushing from those sides, bottlenecking them right where the player wants. It will take time to learn how to use Skunk Bombs most effectively, but their utility is undeniable in combat, especially as the safe circle gets smaller.

1 Sniper Rifle

In the right hands, the sniper rifles are easily the best pickups in the game. A single shot from a sniper removes all armor from an opponent and depending on rarity, a second shot will instantly down a foe. No other weapon offers such fast two-shot-down potential, but the sniper does come with a high accuracy requirement. It has a slow rate of fire, and misses shots will leave the player vulnerable to retaliation.

Even with this risk though, the sniper comes with other added benefits. Crouching with a sniper gives the player an extra 15% vision radius which in team-based play, can be invaluable for setting up ambushes. All in all, the sniper is easily the best pickup in the game and can win games single-handedly if wielded well.

More: Super Animal Royale: Tips For Beginners