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While there’s no guarantee Sablewill see any sort of expansion or sequel, there are quite a few loose threads still hanging after the game ends. If Shedworks does plan on exploring this universe further, these are some of the biggest questions still lingering after the credits roll in their first game.

8 What Is The Perpetual?

Sable has a few quests that hint at a larger story involving the planet as a whole. Audio logs recovered from crashed spaceships refer to a strange anomaly surrounding the planet that prevents any ship from safely landing or leaving. It seems to fry all electronics that pass through it, not unlike the Anomaly from People Can Fly’s Outriders.

Another quest reveals that the people of Sable’s planet, Midden, are aware of the anomaly and have dubbed it the Perpetual. What exactly is this anomaly and why does it surround the entire planet? Furthermore, why does it look an awful lot like Sable’s gliding ability?

7 Missing Spaceship Crews

Midden is littered with the wreckage of dozens of spaceships in just about every corner of the map. In some cases, their technology has been repurposed to power a city or serve as an obstacle course. But little is known about the whereabouts of their crews.

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There’s only confirmation of one survivor, Captain Singh, who it is assumed landed on the planet hundreds of years ago. But what about the crew of every other ship? If they all died, how was the planet initially settled? And if they didn’t die out, could there be a community somewhere that didn’t lose track of its history?

6 Mysterious Ruins

The world of Sable is rife with mystery, and challenges players to look for its secrets in places they might never expect. The ancient ruins players can find all around are one such secret, but the game doesn’t spend a lot of time explaining where they came from or who built them.

While the game does offer some explanation as to the origins of the crashed spaceships, the ruins are a complete enigma. Were they constructed by an ancient race that resided on the planet before humans? Or were they built by those first human settlers?

5 What Are The Chums?

There don’t seem to be many unique, indigenous species on Midden. Birds can be spotted roosting on just about every high-up surface, and many of the towns and camps will have livestock animals like goats around. One of the few unique animals Sable encounters are the Chums, and they’re a mystery in their own right.

They appear to be some kind of antlered worm, and when Sable finds one out in the world it will contort its body to produce an egg, at which point it will once again hatch into a Chum. That’s not to mention the Chum Queen, a giant, glowing Chum that can increase Sable’s stamina with her tears. Is the Chum Queen a god? Can they all grow as large as her? There’s no way to know for sure.

4 What Is The Maw?

After solving a puzzle at The Watch and opening the locked door, Sable uncovers a large projection of her planet’s solar system. One of the celestial bodies she’s able to examine is a strange geometric shape known only as The Maw.

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Sable knows of the Maw as something insidious, built by sentient beings for some dark, unknowable purpose. Something about it unnerves Sable, forcing her to look away. While it can be assumed to be a space station of some kind, the fear Sable has for it raises many questions about its design and intention.

3 Who Is Rohana?

The Ibexii tribe that Sable belongs to worship a powerful god known as Rohana. She has a temple in the Ewer, where the game starts and where Sable begins and ends her Gliding journey. But Rohana isn’t quite as talkative or developed as the deities players might find in SuperGiant Games’ Hades.

What kind of a god is Rohana that she can bestow gifts like the gliding ability on her followers? Why is it her will that the young go out on this pilgrimage to seek their place in the world? And why is she so insistent that all the denizens of Midden wear masks that match their profession?

2 What Is The Wyrm?

The Wyrm is a hard landmark to miss, rising out of the desert covered in spines and sporting razor-sharp teeth. But it’s also completely petrified, appearing to all the world as nothing more than an intricate statue carved by a very bored artisan. Further inspection reveals that not only was the Wyrm a living creature but that it’s still alive.

The game does not explain how it became petrified or that anyone in the world is even aware it was once roaming the dunes. It also appears to have the ability to brainwash people if they spend too much time in proximity with it, making it a dangerous creature almost on the level of the Reapers from the Mass Effectseries.

1 Giant Monster Bones

Quite a few animal skeletons litter the gorgeous, open-world deserts of Midden, and more than a few are larger than a town. These larger-than-life remains appear to have belonged to some kind of dragon, but there are no living examples to reference.

What happened to wipe out every one of these probable apex predators? And what kind of planet was Midden during their existence? The world Sable lives in is mostly desolate with little vegetation or animal life to sustain something of that size. Was Midden once a lush, garden world? There’s just no way to know for sure.

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