We’re remote office workers, and we honestly love it. Did the pandemic have you in your comfy pants by Summer 2020? If you know, you already know.

So, if you’re still working in a physical office setting, this is what you’re missing out on. Working from home is awesome, and here’s why.

1. Flexibility and Balance

People with kids or other responsibilities may enjoy the freedom that working from home offers. You can live a diverse and multi-faceted life when you’re working on your own time.

Are you a morning person or an evening person? Working from home lets you customize your routine and capitalize on when you’re at your best and most energetic. You’re also able to switch up your working environment whenever you need to see something new—your favorite coffee shop, or anywhere else with a decent Wi-Fi connection.

If you’re juggling several clients, you can use task management apps like Trello to keep yourself moving progressively toward your daily quotas and goals. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

2. It’s Convenient and Low-Stress

Something about having your entire base of operations right in the palm of your hand is so empowering. Everything from getting into the zone to even keeping our working area clean suddenly feels so much more manageable when it’s all within arm’s reach.

If you’ve got a doctor’s appointment or a haircut, you can plan the time that they see you around when you know you’re busiest without throwing anybody under the bus. As long as you’ve met all of your obligations for the day and nobody is waiting on you for anything, you should be free to cruise.

3. You’ve Got More Time and Freedom

The time that it takes to be a full-blown adult in the working world can really add up a lot. Streamlining your life by working from home will end up saving you a lot in the long run.

Do you need a walk around the block? A quick reverie by the window? Working from home makes all of this possible, and so much more. People working from home are afforded an extraordinary amount of freedom, especially when compared to a traditional office setting.

If you’re great at managing your time, working from home will feel like the height of luxury. If you’re not, you can always try a time-tracking app in order to see exactly how you’re spending the majority of your time daily. The results may shock you.

4. You’ll Save a Lot of Money

People who work from home usually have no commute, tend to eat at home more often, and will usually not need to invest in an entire professional wardrobe. Your rented office space? It’s right in your dining room or second bedroom, no overhead required.

Some types of freelancers, especially those in tech, also stand to make much more when working from home, as opposed to being bound by a more traditional salary and working environment. If earning and saving is a priority for you, why limit yourself?

You can use any of a number of budgeting apps to compare and contrast what you’re spending right now and what you would be spending otherwise. Starbucks every other day is so much less tempting when we’re not driving by it every day on our way to the office. Out of sight, out of mind.

5. It’s More Ecologically Sustainable

With no commute, you’ll not only be saving yourself a lot of gas—but you’ll also be doing the environment a favor, which is always a bonus; our own home gym ends us saving us an additional trip out on the town daily.

Working from home has also had a significant effect on environmentally-damaging externalities in the corporate sector, as well. Office buildings take a lot of energy to power, light, and keep warm or cool. Even reductions in traffic reduce the proportion of emissions that each driver puts out per hour on the road.

6. An Enhanced Sense of Emotional Well-Being

If your home is your safe space, there is no better time than the present. You’re able to maximize yourself and lead the career of your dreams, all without putting yourself under undue environmental stress. Remote working environments are often more inclusive, both in their company culture and in their hiring practices.

When we’re calm, happy, and comfortable, we’re less likely to burn out and succumb to other stress-related issues associated with working in a traditional office. If you suffer from social anxiety, extreme introversion, or any other type of emotional disorder that stresses you out on a regular basis, a remote office setting might help you unlock a whole new side of you professionally.

7. You’ll Likely Be in a More Focused Environment

Many who work from home report that they’re more focused when nestled away in their bubble, and, by consequence, much more productive. Even if you find yourself wandering just as often when at your desk in your remote office, you can use apps like Freedom and things like light therapy lamps to keep yourself chugging along well into the afternoon.

If you’re able to center yourself and commit to a disciplined schedule, there is no better way to work. Time-blocking apps may be useful if you find yourself off-task randomly throughout the day. We also love the Forest app; the longer you stay off of your smartphone, the taller a little virtual tree grows.

8. You’ll Be Closer to Home and Family

When we’re never far from home, we tend to live a happier life. Never miss another precious moment with your family again. The pandemic has done a lot to change society for the worse, but being stuck at home with your family is definitely not one of them.

Establishing a healthy sense of work-life balance may make hitting your stride as a working parent difficult, but the good news is that there are many different apps and services that have sprung forth in response to our new professional climate.

Is there anything cooler than being able to make your kids lunch every day if they’re at home with you? Time for an extra load of laundry or two during the week doesn’t hurt, either. Smart appliances like smart washers and dryers make it all even easier. Set it, forget it, and never, ever regret it.

Working From Home: Life Truly Does Not Get Better Than This

If you’ve never had an opportunity to support yourself from home, you should definitely consider it as a factor of determination whenever you’re shopping around for your next role. Telecommuting remotely is an incredible perk, one that we wouldn’t trade away for the world.

We love what we do, and we love being able to do it in our favorite place in the entire world: our home office, the most pleasant place in the world to get stuff done. If the possibility intrigues you, perhaps switching to this type of working environment is exactly the change you need.