While the official answer to that is unknown and will only become clear once WWE reveals more in the weeks leading up to Summerslam, there are a string of reports speculating that there are eight rumored matches for the pay per view.

Of course, that number can and probably will change as time goes on, but the ones that have been mentioned are pretty interesting.

In fact, they seem to hint at a few interesting swerves over the course of the next couple of weeks, which could be very good for a company that has dropped the ball in quite a few storylines recently.

Furthermore, they seem to raise some interesting questions about what the future of WWE will even look like after the pay per view takes place.

Questions like who will be WWE Champion or who will be The Universal champion all come to mind and that’s not even the tip of the iceberg. There’s also a few dream matches thrown in for good measure, which will no doubt boost the viewership reign for the second of the big four pay per views.

With that being said, and another edition of Summerslam fast approaching, here are the eight rumored matches for the pay per view and a little bit of speculation on what will happen. Keep in mind that these matches are just what is rumored to be happening and could be subject to change based on how The WWE Universe reacts to its execution.


#8 Bayley versus Sasha Banks

It’s going to be interesting to see how WWE goes from an ‘I love you’ to an ‘I hate you’ scenario between Bayley and Sasha Banks, but the idea reeks of them doing an obsessed stalker angle between the two.

Why WWE would want to do something like this to two of their most prominent female superstars is perplexing, but maybe they can do something with it.

With that being said, there aren’t that many other options for WWE to do right now with the two women and the sooner they get through this storyline, the sooner they can move on to something more meaningful.

Of course, WWE could always draw it out if they wanted to, but why would they with how it has spiraled in recent months.

#7 The B Team versus The Deleters Of Worlds versus The Revival for The Tag team titles

What’s interesting about this is that some thought the original plan was for The Deleter of Worlds versus Authors of Pain, but it seems like that plan has changed. In fact, a Ringsidenews.com speculates that The B team will take on The Deleters of worlds and The Revival in a triple threat tag team match for The Tag team titles.

The move makes sense after The Revival scored an impromptu win over Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley last month, which will definitely give the tag team a lot of hype heading into the match. With that being said, it’s still saddening that WWE would keep The Authors of Pain out of the title picture for this long.

#6 Shinsuke Nakamura versus Jeff Hardy versus Randy Orton For The United States title.

WWE actually did it!

They actually made The United States title relevant again and they didn’t even have to use The Miz to do it this time! Not only that, it also kicked off with one of the most disturbing segments that Smackdown Live has aired after changing their name, which has only added to the hype for this match.

With that being said, this rumor conflicts with speculation that Jeff Hardy was going to be written off of television for a while to rehab his injuries, which puts an interesting wrinkle into this storyline. Then again, maybe WWE could give Hardy some time to rest before the pay per view and bring him back for the actual match.

In fact, WWE really doesn’t need Jeff Hardy in the build-up to this feud anymore and would be much better off selling the fact that he is injured to return later as a conquering babyface. Of course, whether WWE does that or not remains to be seen and will be dependent on what is really going on with Hardy, but don’t be surprised if this one doesn’t come to fruition.

#5 Carmella versus Becky Lynch for The Smackdown Live Women’s title.

The WWE Universe should be very weary of this match if it happens. While that might sound like crazy talk, especially with the dominant run that Becky Lynch has been on over the last couple of months, this storyline has the possibility of taking a huge left turn that most fans probably won’t like.

It’s no secret that WWE has been wanting to put Becky Lynch in the ring with James Ellsworth and this would probably be the most interesting way to do it. WWE could also use this to put the title on James Ellsworth later on or add him to the match at Summerslam instead and pull off one of the most controversial moments in the history of The Women’s revolution.

Whether The WWE Universe wants to admit it or not, it seems far more likely that Lynch will come up short to Carmella due to interference from Ellsworth. WWE could then set up a triple threat match for The Smackdown Live women’s title and finally achieve their bizarre goal of putting Lynch and Ellsworth in the ring together.

#4 Alexa Bliss versus Ronda Rousey

Kurt Angle announced that Ronda Rousey would be taking on Alexa Bliss for The Raw Women’s title at Summerslam and while that was the expected outcome from the building feud, one has to wonder why WWE would leave out Nia Jax from all this.

Not only does it completely render her WrestleMania 34 win irreverent, it also doesn’t give her a chance to get her comeuppance on Alexa Bliss.

If nothing else, WWE has really dropped the ball with Nia Jax and her reportedly not being in this match is indicative of that. Another problem with the match is that without Jax there is seemingly no reason why Rousey can’t decimate Bliss in a matter of minutes. In fact, the only real psychology to the match is watching Bliss get her ass kicked.

With that being said, it is entirely possible that Rousey decimates Bliss in a one-sided matchup and takes the title for her own. Not only does that make The WWE women’s division look like a complete joke in the process, it also creates another part-time champion scenario, which The WWE Universe already hates seeing with Brock Lesnar

#3 The Miz versus Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan versus The Miz is a feud The WWE Universe has wanted to see for a long time now and it looks like its finally going to happen at Summerslam! Not only is that evident by how Daniel Bryan attacked The Miz on the July 17th episode of Smackdown Live, but also by the fact that WWE has been doing a downward spiral storyline with Bryan since his return.

With that being said and the problem of WWE dropping the ball several times storyline wise over the past couple of months, one has to wonder how this one will turn out. Of course one would think that WWE would have Bryan come out on top when all is said and done, but the company could also choose to give The Miz the win of a lifetime.

In the end, that’s a very frightening thought for The WWE Universe right now, especially since WWE has had Bryan take a few key loses since his return, and that could lead WWE to allow The Miz to come out on top in their match at Summerslam. It could also result in The WWE Universe getting angry if the company isn’t careful.

#2 AJ Styles versus Samoa Joe for The WWE Title

Are AJ Styles and Samoa Joe on a collision course for Summerslam? That seems to be the direction that WWE is heading in regards to The Phenomenal One’s opponent at Summerslam and interestingly enough, some are even reporting that the feud will result in Samoa Joe becoming the new WWE Champion at The Biggest party of the summer.

While that on its own isn’t a bad thing, especially with AJ Styles holding the belt for a while now, how WWE plans to pull it off could be a problem. Another problem is what they do with AJ Styles after he drops the belt and if he will suffer from WWE’s 50/50 booking in the process.

In the end, maybe its wrong to be so concerned about Styles taking a loss to Joe after the way The Phenomenal one has been booked for the past several months, but what if that loss is one of many and Styles goes on a downward spiral. One also has to consider that WWE is going to want to do a few rematches between the two, which means Styles will likely have to lose more than once.

#1 Brock Lesnar versus Bobby Lashley versus Roman Reigns for The Universal Title.

Its no secret that WWE wants as many options available to them as possible for The Universal Title picture and this rumored match is indicative of that sentiment. Not only that, WWE also has Bruan Strowman waiting in the wings with his money in the bank briefcase, which holds the possibility of creating another interesting layer to entire feud.

With that being said, it makes sense that WWE would want to put Lashley in the match after trying and failing to establish Reigns as the top guy multiple times, but one has to wonder if Lashley lack of personality will hurt the storyline going forward. In fact, with the problems that the former MMA fighter has with connecting with the crowd, how long will WWE put faith in him.

Again, WWE needs as many options as possible in case Reigns bombs again as the top guy, and while Lashley might not seem like the best of those options, he at least would be better than a lengthy Roman Reigns title run on Raw. Then again, WWE might just want to have Strowman cash in on whoever wins at Summerslam and take the title himself.

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