“Hey Vic! I hate to ask, but I’m in a bind. My energy bill is due Friday and I don’t get paid until the 30th. " “Hi Uncle Phil! I didn’t budget enough money this month for my textbooks and school starts next week. Can you help me out?” “Lukas! So this is so embarrassing—I just finished eating at a restaurant and when I went to pay, I realized I left my wallet at home. Can you Venmo a few bucks?”

“My rent this month is $875 and I’m $200 short. " “I just need $20 to cover this meal and I’m good!” “The cashier said the total for my textbooks is $134. 24. "

“Rent is due on the 1st, so I’d need the money in 2 weeks. " “The due date on my bill is October 24th. Can you get me the money by then?” “This is urgent tbh—the waiter is literally asking me to pay the tab right now lol. "

“Can you Venmo the money now? Or give your CC to the cashier? She’s standing right here. " “Would you mind making the check out to Gaslight Square Apartments? That way, you can mail it directly to my landlord. “[3] X Research source “I can drop by and grab a $20 bill if you aren’t busy. I appreciate it!”

“I get paid next Friday, so I can repay the $200 on that day. " “I can’t repay the full $1,000 in a lump sum, but I can do $100 every month until my debt is paid off. " “Venmo the cash now and I’ll pay for your meal when we go to dinner this Sunday!”

“I get paid every other Friday, so I can send you $100 via PayPal every time I get paid. I’ll pay the first installment next Friday. If we stay on that schedule, you’ll be repaid in full by Feb 24. Does that work?” Since you’re requesting money via text, tell them you’ll email the document to them in a few minutes. They can look it over and agree before sending money. [6] X Research source

“I can’t come out to the club tonight, tbh. I’m totally broke. " “My rent is due next week and I’m short. What should I do?”

“I’m sorry to ask, but I really need the $50 you owe me so I can pay my CC bill. It’s due in a week. . . " “Can you help ya girl out? My car note is due on Friday and I’m short. If you can repay that $100 you owe, I’ll be able to pay my note on time.  :)” To be direct without actually having to confront them, send them a money request via PayPal. That might do the trick![9] X Research source