The temporomandibular joint connects your jaw to your skull. You use it every day while eating, drinking, and talking. A small disc in the joint allows the bones of your jaw to slip and slide normally.

With TMJ, the disc becomes displaced, leading to clicking, snapping, and limited jaw movement. It can also cause pain in your jaw and face, and the muscles around your jaw may become sore or go into spasm. Anything that stresses or overworks the joint can prompt and worsen these TMJ symptoms.

This article looks at what not to do if you have TMJ. By following these strategies, you can avoid aggravating the joint and help keep TMJ pain in check.

Your jaw is the most used joint in the body. Limiting excessive use of the joint and muscles alleviates pressure and gives them a chance to rest.

Resting sore muscles and joints is the first step in getting your TMJ symptoms to settle down.

These foods may place excessive stress through your jaw, thus preventing the joint from getting the necessary rest to allow for proper healing.

While reading or writing, you may mindlessly chew on a pen. You may bite your fingernails or chew on small bits of clothing while watching TV or browsing the internet. Children may suck their thumbs.

These parafunctional activities may place stress on your TMJ and slow the healing process.

This pressure against the side of your jaw may push against the joint, moving the disc out of place and creating problems with how your jaw opens and closes.

Breaking the habit of resting your chin on your hand can allow your joint to heal in the right place.

Try to be aware of your chewing habits and make sure you consume food on both sides of your mouth. If you have dental problems or tooth pain on one side, see your dentist to get it fixed so you can chew evenly and comfortably.

Teeth clenching may occur due to stress, so working to manage your stress may help with this. Your dentist may also prescribe a mouth guard to be worn while you sleep to keep your teeth from excessively clenching.

Your jaw operates best when your head is above your cervical spine and your posture is upright. If you slouch, it can change how your jaw muscles work and the way your jaw opens and closes.

When you’re treated for TMJ, your physical therapist may work with you to change your posture. This may involve strengthening your back and shoulder muscles and setting frequent reminders to sit up tall.

Performing a slouch-overcorrect exercise is a great way to develop an awareness of proper posture. Sitting and standing upright and avoiding slouching can keep your jaw operating properly.

TMJ is more often than not self-limiting (goes away on its own) and non-progressive and has a good rate of recovery with conservative treatment—meaning there’s all the more reason to seek help without delay.

See your healthcare provider or dentist for an accurate diagnosis if you suspect TMJ. You may benefit from visiting a physical therapist to learn exercises and strategies to self-treat your condition. An orofacial pain specialist (dental specialist) is also an option.

Exercises to get your jaw moving normallyAnti-inflammatory treatmentsJoint mobilizationsTreatments to keep your muscles working properly

A splint or night guard can also help with nighttime teeth grinding (bruxism), which can be a cause of muscle soreness and TMJ.

In severe cases, you may need surgery to correct your problem. However, it’s saved as a last resort. Your initial treatment should focus on decreasing pain and improving the way your jaw opens and closes. Avoiding certain activities can help accomplish this task.

A Word From Verywell

Temporomandibular joint disorders can be painful and limit your ability to use your jaw and mouth. It’s important to avoid or stop activities that place excessive or unnecessary stress on your jaw. Doing the right things can help you safely heal and manage your condition.

Dentist appointmentsEating hard food (like apples, bagels, corn on the cob, and steak)Jaw injuryHabits like grinding your teeth of biting your nails