Instead, you must first know of the risks involved and the consequences that are likely to occur after taking that step. With that in mind, here are eight questions you should ask yourself before quitting your job to make a more informed decision.

1. Do You Have Any Alternatives?

Ideally, you’d be quitting your current job because a different company has already offered you a much better job. In such a case, you’re not making any kind of personal sacrifice to improve your work life. But if that isn’t the case, it’s wiser to not quit just yet.

Don’t sabotage your current source of income until you have another one ready at hand. In the meantime, reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn and ask for potential vacancies. Be sure to keep your profile updated and add new skills to your resume to increase your eligibility.

2. Did You Renegotiate With Your Employer?

There’s a good chance that the problem you’re facing with your job can be rectified if you simply talk to your employer. From an HR standpoint, it’s almost always better for a company to retain an employee than to go through the hassle of finding a suitable replacement.

If money is the issue, you can ask for a pay raise. If you don’t see growth in yourself, you can ask for additional responsibilities. Either way, let your employer know of your concerns before you consider leaving; you might not have to quit your job after all.

3. How Is Your Relationship With Money?

How you save, spend, and invest your money has a huge influence on whether you should quit your job. Without a proper understanding of your relationship with money, you might end up making things worse for yourself. To avoid that, commit to learning personal finance.

You can watch YouTube videos, listen to podcasts, download apps, and visit websites that promote financial literacy. Concepts like budgeting, compounding, inflation, market volatility, and credit score are essential for every working professional to know.

4. Can You Afford Temporary Unemployment?

If you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck, quitting your job isn’t really a viable option. Ideally, you’d have an emergency fund that covers three to six months of all of your essential expenses i.e., rent, food, electricity, water, gas, etc.

If you don’t have such a fund, don’t worry, there are still things you can do to help yourself. Aside from continuing to apply for new jobs, you can also search for freelance gigs on Fiverr or Upwork, take paid surveys, rent your car, and more.

5. Are You Currently in Debt?

Unless there are obviously better alternatives available, quitting your job when you’re in debt is a bad idea. Doing that will greatly reduce your purchasing power and delay the time it’ll take to repay your loans. The later you settle your loans, the more interest accumulates.

So, it’s wiser to make a plan to get out of debt first. You may use the good ol’ MS Excel or download apps to help manage your finances. If affordable, hire a financial advisor to help you get a more realistic outlook and navigate your options. Regardless, do arm yourself with the right tools.

6. What Do You Value in Your Career?

It’s possible that you want to quit your job not because there’s anything wrong with it per se, but because your personality doesn’t fit well with the attributes of an employee. That means the problem isn’t your job specifically, but any job at all.

You might value fast growth and flexibility more than stability and status. So, even a better-paying job might not help. In such a case, you may consider starting a side hustle and checking its viability over time. Don’t quit your job until your side hustle has picked up momentum.

7. What Benefits Are You Currently Enjoying?

There’s no guarantee that a new employer will agree to give you the same benefits that you currently enjoy, such as remote work or a retirement plan. Before you quit, consider how valuable those benefits are to you, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

If those benefits are highly valuable and also unlikely to be given by a new employer, you’re either going to have to reduce your expectations or tweak your goals. Conversely, it’s easier to quit if those benefits are expendable and can be traded for higher pay.

8. Is Someone Dependent on You?

If you don’t have anyone dependent on you, you have the benefit of enjoying greater flexibility, mobility, and risk tolerance. For instance, an unmarried bachelor would be more willing to change cities to get a new job than a married person with kids.

If you have dependents, the risk you take at work will affect them too. Before quitting your job, make sure you’re financially stable enough to protect yourself and those who rely on you.

Know the Risks of Quitting Your Job

It’s tempting to quit your job when so many people around you seem to be doing it as well, but such a decision doesn’t come without consequences. Before acting on this urge, consider all the likely drawbacks you’ll have to face in the short and the long run.

Even if you have made up your mind about quitting, make sure to stay on good terms with your employer and make a clean exit. Acting unprofessionally can lead to your employer giving a bad reference for any future opportunities you may come across.