That has to be question after what took place at Crown Jewel on Friday, and while the pay per view will forever be shrouded in controversy for certain reasons, it actually ended up being a step forward booking wise for the company. In fact, WWE did a lot to move things forward and set up for The Survivor Series pay per view, which is in two weeks.

With that being said and WWE not really having a lot of time before The Survivor Series pay per view, it is imperative the company capitalises on what happened at Crown Jewel. Furthermore, they need to amplify the existing feuds in a way that will make the upcoming pay per view a must watch for fans.

In the end, it’s up to WWE how they want to book the upcoming pay per view, but these eight things would at least be a good start. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to tell us what you think WWE need to do in order to successfully build to Survivor Series.

#8 Put Finn Balor in a squash match against Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley needs to regain momentum after being knocked out in the first round of the best in the world tournament, and the best way to do that is give him a win in a squash match with Finn Balor. Not only will the move re-assert his dominance over the rest of the Raw roster, it also gives WWE an excuse to put Lashley in the Survivor Series match.

Interestingly enough, if WWE goes forward with their rumored plan to have team Angle versus team Corbin at Survivor Series, the loss would put Balor in a situation to join one of the teams, and get revenge on Lashley. If nothing else, that at least keeps their feud going into the fall months, but gives Lashley his much needed win first.

#7 Have Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vacate the tag team titles

The tag team division has been in disarray for quite some time now, and it’s only going to get worse as long as Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins remain champions. With that being said and the division in massive need of a refresh, it only makes sense to vacate the titles and move on to something that will actually better the division.

Think about it! If Ambrose and Rollins defend the titles, Ambrose would just betray Rollins during the match, and that’s no way for the other team to win the titles. In fact, that poses the risk of throwing the tag team division into further trouble and pretty much making every team on the roster illegitimate in the process.

In the end, WWE need to get the titles off Ambrose and Rollins immediately, and focus on rebuilding the division. Whether that happens in the form of another tournament, or if WWE decides to try something new remains to be seen, but the titles are going to lose credibility every week they aren’t defended or even mentioned.

#6 Announce Team Angle versus Team Corbin for next week on Raw

WWE only has two weeks to build to the Survivor Series pay per view, and while the company could waste television time on a plethora of qualifying matches, it would be a lot more interesting if they changed things up a bit. In fact, it could go a long way in reshaping the entire pay per view, and benefit several storylines at once.

For example, Stephanie McMahon could announce on Raw that she is unhappy with Baron Corbin’s performance lately, and force him to put his job on the line against Angle in a seven on seven Survivor Series match.

McMahon could then tell both sides to pick their own teams and prepare for a match next week to determine who will represents team red at Survivor Series, which would make things interesting for the go home show of Raw.

WWE could even make things more interesting by threatening to fire Angle or Corbin if either one of them comes up short against SmackDown Live at Survivor Series. In the end, not only does this further two storylines at one time, it also does so perfectly in the amount of time WWE has before the big four pay per view.

#5 Have Rollins attack Ambrose

Another superstar in need of a momentum boost after coming up short in the best in the world tournament is Seth Rollins, and what better way to do that than to have him attack Ambrose? This would allow for Rollins to follow up on his promise to make Ambrose’s life a living hell, and also set up a match for them at Survivor Series

Maybe WWE could even do a match between Dean Ambrose and Drew McIntyre to determine the new number one contender for The Universal title, and have Rollins cost Ambrose the win. Not only would this be a great way to have McIntyre earn a shot at The Universal title, it also allows for Rollins to finally get revenge on Ambrose.

With that being said, this plan achieves everything WWE needs to do ahead of Survivor Series, and it does so in the small amount of time they have before the pay per view. It also seems like the most organic and logical progression of the feud, which will help The WWE Universe in not feeling like either feud is being rushed.

#4 Let Nia Jax beat Ronda Rousey in a match

Ronda Rousey has been almost untouchable since arriving in The WWE, and while the company has chipped away at her armor a little bit over the past few months, they haven’t handed her a clean loss yet. With that being said, what better way to instantly establish Jax as a threat then by having her beat Rousey on Raw?

Not only would the win create reasonable doubt as to whether Ronda Rousey can beat Jax in a title match, it also allows for Jax to gain a lot of her momentum back. Of course WWE might stall on this idea for a while, especially since the company is going ahead with Rousey versus Becky Lynch at Survivor Series, but they have to do something to set up Jax versus Rousey

Then again, maybe WWE could raise the stakes by having Jax cost Rousey the match at Survivor Series, and set up their title match, but it would be much more meaningful if Jax actually beats Rousey. In fact, it would go a long way in turning her into the biggest threat in the women’s division, and a force that could end Rousey’s reign.

#3 Have Shawn Michaels address The WWE Universe

While WWE probably wants to move on from The DX Versus The Brothers of Destruction storyline, Shawn Michaels coming out of retirement was a big deal and WWE needs to send him off properly. Even if Crown Jewel wasn’t his last match, and he ends up competing again at WrestleMania 35, WWE should at least give the man some airtime to say goodbye.

Maybe WWE could even bring The Undertaker back out and set something up between the two at Survivor Series. That way, The Undertaker could have some kind of involvement in The Survivor Series pay per view, and WWE can continue to pump more nostalgia into the weekly programming.

With that being said, and the underwhelming results of the last two matches, WWE is probably better off just having Michaels address the crowd and then disappear for a while. In the end, WWE could always build to Michaels versus Undertaker at a later time, and it really doesn’t make sense to keep Michaels on television with Triple H now injured.

#2 Have Drew McIntyre betray Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler talked a lot of smack throughout the entirety of the Best in the World tournament, and while McIntyre stood there in support of him every step of the way, one can’t imagine that going on much longer. Interestingly enough, with McIntyre and Strowman set to feud soon, WWE will probably make this decision sooner rather than later.

How WWE decides to do this is up to them, but they should probably center it around McIntyre getting tired of being Ziggler’s lackey, and wanting to show how superior he is. This way, WWE could set up a match between the two at Survivor Series, McIntyre should get a clean win and then go on to a title match with Strowman for the big red belt.

Of course WWE could always decide to keep these two together for a while, and maybe even have the two men join The Authority, but McIntyre would work so much better as a solo act. In fact, putting him with The Authority might end up hurting McIntyre if he continues taking orders from someone else, which isn’t a great way to build a top heel.

#1 Have Braun Strowman win the Universal title

While Brock Lesnar winning the Universal title at Crown Jewel was an understandable move, especially since Braun Strowman winning overseas would have tainted his first title run, WWE need to get the title off Lesnar as soon as possible. Fortunately for the WWE Universe, that could mean another Universal title match as soon as next week’s Raw.

As far fetched as that might be, SmackDown Live already held a WWE title match six days before the Crown Jewel pay per view, which could mean that the company could be at least open to the idea. Furthermore, the sooner WWE gets the belt off Lesnar, the sooner they can set up the feud between McIntyre and Strowman for the big red belt.

In the end, it seems like Baron Corbin’s interference in the match was a way for WWE to have Strowman lose the title, and not have his first reign tainted by the Crown Jewel controversy. With that being said, and the controversy now behind, WWE need to kick-start Strowman’s first title reign with a win over Lesnar on Raw.

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