Beyond that, they reportedly signed him to a two-match deal with the company, which is said to conclude a match at Survivor Series with AJ Styles and a match with an undisclosed opponent at WrestleMania 35. With that being said and Survivor Series not being a title match, it seems like WWE is planning at least a five-month title reign for Lesnar.

Unfortunately for The WWE Universe, that means they will once again have to put up with a part-time champion that shows up when he wants to and when the money is right. Furthermore, it means that some of their favourite superstars won’t get the main event opportunities they deserve due to WWE only booking Lesnar with certain opponents.

With all that in mind and fans seemingly ready to strap in for another long Brock Lesnar title reign, here are eight things they can do to at least make things interesting.

#8 Continue booking him as a mega heel

If there is one thing WWE did right during the build-up to the match between Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar, it was that they made Lesnar look like he absolutely did not want to be there. Not only did that one characteristic make Reigns instantly more likeable by comparison, but it was also third wall breaking in a way that almost acknowledged the fans concerns.

In fact, it was almost like the company was speaking directly to the fans and telling them they were justified in hating Lesnar. Beyond that, they literally made him out to be the most ungrateful, egotistic, psychopath The WWE has ever seen, which was great storytelling on the company’s part.

With that being said, WWE definitely needs to bring part two of this to his title reign, especially early on in his run with the belt. That way, WWE gives fans the interesting storytelling they need to get them behind the feud and would pretty much ensure that Raw is must watch tv when he is one.

#7 More appearances

Speaking of him being must-see TV, that is exactly why they need to do everything they can to ensure that Lesnar is not only a semi mainstay on Raw but on the pay per view scene as well. Not only will that make him and the title more relevant, but it will also be a huge rating booster to Raw heading into the final months of the year.

Of course, WWE is going to have to pay him more to do this, but one would think it would be worth if it garners ratings and helps make the title more prestigious. That’s not to say he has to defend the title every night on Raw and at every single pay per view, but he could at least make some appearances to help further a storyline.

For example, why not play up on the fact that he doesn’t want to be there and that he is being paid a great deal of money to do so. The company can also have Lesnar cause destruction and mess with the show whenever he wants, which would bring an unpredictable element to the program that makes it must see!

#6 Defend the title more

Another big thing Brock Lesnar is going to need to do during his title reign is actually defend the championship more often. Unfortunately for WWE, this means forking over more money to The Beast incarnate, but it is worth it if it means boosted ratings and a more relevant title then ever before!

Of course, this doesn’t mean Lesnar has to defend the championship on every episode of Raw or even every pay per view, but the company needs to avoid him going on months-long hiatuses like he did last time. Furthermore, they need to avoid having his advocate, Paul Heyman show up on his behalf, which only hurts the overall product of the show.

In the end, it comes down to how much WWE really cares about The Universal title and The future of Monday Night Raw. If they do care, they will definitely do everything in their power to make sure that the title reign is successful, but if they don’t care, they will continue to use the tired formula they used last time.

#5 Have him loss the title

While some might see this as counterproductive to having Brock Lesnar as champion, it is something that would really create excitement around the Universal title picture again and would equal a huge rating boost. It also gives other superstars like Bobby Lashley, Dean Ambrose or Drew McIntyre to have a shot at the belt, which fans would probably enjoy.

Not only will that be crucial in keeping fans interested throughout Lesnar’s remaining time with The WWE, but it also gives some of the younger stars like Strowman to finally cement themselves at the top of the card. If nothing else, at least doing this kills two birds with one stone and keeps the title relevant in the process of it all.

In the end, some might disagree with Brock Lesnar ever dropping the title and then winning it back, it’s infinitely better than having him win from now until WrestleMania 35. It also gives some other superstars a chance to benefit from getting a match with someone like Lesnar, which is something several of them need right now!

#4 Put him up against different opponents this time

It’s no secret that The WWE has been extremely careful in the past about who they put Brock Lesnar up against and that is something that will have to change if the company wants any chance of making this interesting. In fact, WWE needs to consider any and all options in order to ensure a chaotic nature when it comes to the title picture.

For example, guys like Finn Balor, Bray Wyatt, Bobby Roode, and Baron Corbin would all benefit from a main event program with Brock Lesnar. Beyond that, even if WWE didn’t want to do a one on one match or even do something for the title, they could at least have them do a segment with each other.

In the end, the success of this title reign is going to depend on how far outside the box WWE is willing to go when it comes to booking Lesnar. Furthermore, it going to be dependent on whether those superstars that face him are booked fairly or just end up being fodder in a never-ending nightmare.

#3 Let him use The Authority to his advantage

If there is one thing that pisses fans off, its authority figures. In fact, from Triple H and Stephanie McMahon repeatedly holding back Daniel Bryan, all the way back to Vince McMahon repeatedly trying to thwart Stone Cold Steve Austin’s title hopes, its a trope that works and yields great results in the process.

Of course, that isn’t always true and there are some cases where fans absolutely hate authority figure storylines, it seems to work if the company sets it up with the right people and doesn’t go overboard. With that in mind and The WWE Universe seemingly in for a long ride with Lesnar as champion, why not officially put the Authority on his side?

at least that way WWE can book Lesnar to win more often without taking away from the credibility of his opponents and could set up some pretty creative finishes if the company works at it. It also sets up an opportunity for a huge payoff for whoever manages to finally topple Lesnar and The Authority, which would instantly cement them as the top guy.

#2 Have Paul Heyman betray him

Let’s be honest here.

The last time WWE even remotely teased Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar splitting up, fans lost their minds, which is why they should do it again! Not only would it work as a storyline they could do with Lesnar without him actually having to compete all the time, it could also lead to a lot of interesting possibilities down the road.

For example, imagine if Paul Heyman betrayed Brock Lesnar during a title match against Dean Ambrose and then became The Lunatic Fringe’s manager! At least it would be a way to shake up Lesnar’s storyline and it would also work to benefit another superstar in the process.

Maybe WWE doesn’t want to separate the two and are happy with the way things are when it comes to Lesnar and Heyman as a pair, but its that kind of monotonous thinking that is seriously going to hurt Lesnar’s storylines going forward. In fact, if WWE books Lesnar as champion in the same way they did in the past, it could have dire consequences for the company.

#1 Make things personal

If nothing else, making it personal is probably one of the few things that still draw attention in the wrestling world. It also creates an interesting dynamic that makes it hard to tell reality from fantasy, which WWE and other companies can leverage to their advantage. With that being said, it is also the key to how to make Brock Lesnar’s latest title run interesting.

How WWE goes about it is ultimately up to them and dependent on how big of peak they want to give fans on what’s happening backstage, but having Lesnar hold Raw hostage for a bigger contract would be a good start. In fact, it would be one of those rare moments in WWE where Vince McMahon would have to get on his knees and beg his top star to say.

Lesnar can even go through all the lines of you need me to know that Reigns is out and how much publicity he will give McMahon’s company when he goes to UFC. In the end, doing these types of things will only help to bridge the gap between reality and fantasy, which will make Lesnar’s title run a lot more fun to watch going forward.

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