While some of them were promoted by the company, some got popular purely on their talent. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns has been backed by the company for a couple of years now, while Seth Rollins is out due to injury, Roman Reigns is mostly received with boos.

We had C.M Punk and Daniel Bryan gaining immense popularity among the fans but, C.M Punk left the WWE due to personal reasons while Daniel Bryan got severely injured and had to retire. Cena’s decreasing popularity has not helped the cause.

But if WWE can blame someone for these issues, it is WWE itself. They had a chance to promote lot of wrestlers but instead they pushed them back. But still, not everything is gone. Here is a list of few wrestlers WWE should promote going forward.

1). Dolph Ziggler

We have heard this name so many times. He debuted a long way back and since has been one of the most talented wrestler in WWE roster. He has held the World Heavyweight Championship, Inter-continental Championship, U.S Championship and has also won Money in The Bank. He has been the lone survivor of two Survivor Series Elimination Matches in 2012 and 2014.

Despite being so successful, he has never been counted as a top star of WWE. He has never received the push he deserved. When he won the Survivor Series Elimination Match in 2014 almost single handedly, we felt that this is his time but WWE pushed him back to promote other wrestlers and since then, he has just been a mid-card wrestler.

WWE needs to get him to top again, he has the talent to be in the main event wrestlers category. He can feud with AJ Styles or Roman Reigns who are already in the main event category. This will help him to reach the main event.

2). Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens debuted in WWE roster in mid 2015. It has hardly been an year since he debuted but he has impressed one and all. His first feud was with John Cena and he defeated him cleanly in his first match. Now, how is that for a start??

He certainly got a huge push in his debut feud and has been doing well since. Currently, when WWE are missing some big names and are thinking of promoting new talent, he certainly can be one of those wrestlers. He is raw, aggressive, unpredictable and WWE has been missing these qualities from some time now so, expect him to have a push soon.

3). Bray Wyatt

Wyatt has been one of the most interesting character in WWE. He has been fairly popular among the fans despite playing a heel character and that is one major reason why he should get promoted. WWE has tried to promote him by feuding him with John Cena, The Undertaker and The Rock at WM32 but he has lost most of these matches quite cleanly and has not been able to establish a reputation that he should have had.

We heard the crowd’s reaction at Monday night Raw (11 Apr,2015) when Wyatt hit his finishing move in a tag-team main event match. We have hardly heard those kind of crowd reaction for sometime. He is certainly someone who needs a push and it looks like he will be feuding with Roman Reigns sooner or later.

4). Ryback/Rusev

One thing that WWE has been missing a lot for a few years now is a powerhouse who can destroy anyone on a given day. Yes, we have seen Brock doing a similar job, but currently WWE is lacking someone who can constantly do the kind of stuff that Brock is doing.

Hence, WWE needs to promote eiether Ryback or Rusev who can just destroy the whole WWE roster. Both of them started really well in their career but has been pushed back lately. Ryback is going no where while Rusev is also not doing that well. This is the perfect time to promote one out of these 2 wrestlers. This will certainly add some spice to WWE.

5). Dean Ambrose

When the Shield arrived at the WWE, we knew that all 3 of them will be top stars one day. While Rollins & Reigns have been in the WWE Championship scenario, Dean Ambrose has been kept away from that title.

Ambrose is probably the most popular wrestler out of the shield members and always gets a pop when he enters the ring. His crazy attitude has gone really well with the crowd and its high time he should get a chance at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He surely deserves a shot at that title.

6). Cesaro

The first raw after WM32, No. 1 Contenders Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Sami Zayn was injured by Owens and a replacement is made. Out comes Cesaro, and the pop he received tells you how much he is loved by the WWE fans.

He is probably a better wrestler than most of the names in this list, he has lots of great moves and being a crowd favorite is always a bonus. He is someone who has been touted as a very talented wrestler and a future star but has never got the push he deserves. A good storyline and a good opponent is all he needs, he can turn that feud into a great one with his moves and charisma.

7). Braun Strowman

Yes, he is a part of the Wyatt family and pushing him so early in his career may probably prove to be a big risk but it is a risk worth taking. Whatever we have seen of him in his early career is pure dominance. He can dominate any given wrestler with ease.

His power can prove to be vital for the WWE. We had a spoiler that WWE was thinking him of having a feud with Brock Lesnar. What a push that would have been for Braun? He has a lot of potential and we can expect him to get a push quite soon.

8). Samoa Joe

Yes, we are talking about the same Samoa Joe who is currently wrestling in the NXT. He may be in NXT right now, but he is not a rookie in anyway. He was a top star in TNA and was almost unbeatable when he came in early.

He has had a lot of great feuds with Kurt Angle & AJ Styles. Since, AJ has been pushed to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship scenario, it would not be a bad idea to get him to WWE roster soon. He has had a history with AJ and both of them has given us some unbelievable matches. WWE can cash in their history and get them to feud. Since, AJ is a face, Samoa can play a heel and that would be great to watch.

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